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    Jeffrey "Measure-Driven" Weir profile image

    Jeffrey "Measure-Driven" Weir on 8/12/2022 7:22:32 AM

    Power BI

    Tell me the name of any measure used for conditional formatting when I hover over the FX button.

    Tell me the name of any measure used for conditional formatting when I hover over the FX button. I'm begging you.

    That will save me clicking just to see what it is.

    Vote 720
    Jeffrey "Measure-Driven" Weir profile image

    Jeffrey "Measure-Driven" Weir on 11/27/2019 9:55:44 AM

    Power BI

    Measure-driven DataLabels

    We need to be able to label specific data points with dynamically generated values (including text). Use cases include: * Labeling the first or last point of line charts with values * Labeling the last point of series in a line chart with the series name, to directly inform the user which series is which, rather than have them constantly move their eyes between a legend and the many series on a graph. * Labeling particular values of interest, to aid storytelling. These things are bulk-standard features of good dashboard design, and are essential in order to design optimal user-friendly dashboards with low cognitive burden. Gotta say that humble ol' Excel is streets ahead of Power BI in regards to data labeling. Note that measure-driven tooltips are NOT a substitute for this feature. We need ways to draw the users' attention to particular points or features without relying on mouse-over.

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    Power BI

    View (and possibly even edit) Measure code when hovering over them in the Values well

    Wouldn't it be cool if you could see *and possibly even amend* a Measure simply by hovering or right-clicking over a measure used in a Values well in a visual. Why, this would save you having to go hunt for it in the Fields pane!

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    Jeffrey "Measure-Driven" Weir profile image

    Jeffrey "Measure-Driven" Weir on 12/17/2021 4:49:48 AM

    Power BI

    Allow users to simply drag a measure to a any well allowing fx (conditional formatting)

    Hey - wouldn't it be REAL COOL if you could simply drag a field into a well that accepts measures as a value and also wouldn't it be cool if the name of the measure either appeared there or appeared on hover over.

    Vote 17
    Jeffrey "Measure-Driven" Weir profile image

    Jeffrey "Measure-Driven" Weir on 12/7/2021 8:11:54 AM

    Power BI

    Allow Min/Max values for databars to be set conditionally via a measure.

    We need to be able to use a measure to conditionally set the min and (more importantly) max values of databars, so that we can force databars in different columns to adopt the same scale.

    Vote 13
    Nir profile image

    Nir on 7/17/2019 7:57:13 PM

    Power BI


    Insert multiple measures instead of creating each measure separately. for example: Writing Multiple measures altogether for a specific column. Sum = SUM(Column) ----- Average = Average(Column) ----- MAX = MAX(Column)

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    Redmond Hartop profile image

    Redmond Hartop on 4/22/2022 10:54:10 AM

    Power BI

    Measure in a measure

    Create a measure in a measure, like a VAR though rather than being processed before the RETURN statement is processed during the RETURN statement and as such can be used in a filter context. I.e.

    DemoMesaure =

    VAR SelectedProductCategory = SELECTEDVALUE(Product[Category])

    MES CostOfAllProducts = CALCULATE(





    CALCULATE(CostOfAllProducts, Product[Category] = SelectedProductCategory)

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    Shawn Marx profile image

    Shawn Marx on 1/21/2021 3:07:11 PM

    Power BI

    Organization Measures Templates and Measure Automation

    The purpose of this enhancement would be to reduce the tedious process of adding the same measures across different PBI models or files connected to the live models. Some of this is addressed in the new paid version of Tabular Editor, but I believe it should be made more accessible by being a mainline PBI feature. 1) Add in the ability to create a text template for a measure where many measures can be created from it with small variations. The measure design would need to be enhanced so that color highlighting would make it obvious which portions of a measure code come from a template and which are specific to the child measure. Template changes would continue to alter the measures that use it. 2) The source of these templates can be either from within the PBI file or from an organizational source. 3) Coming from an Organizational source, a group of fully defined measures could be brought in at one time into a project. 4) Coming from a single template (within or organizational), many of measures could be created at once using a typed in or pasted table which contains how each measure should differ (name of measure, table/column change #, format option) IMO this would combine well with the mockup concept in this Idea:

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    Kim Stuart profile image

    Kim Stuart on 8/9/2023 10:26:54 AM

    Power BI

    Multi Measures and Printable list of Measures

    There are many times that the same measure is used multiple times just one variable different. Would be nice if had the option of copy to create similar visual and it appear directly below to allow user to visualize the group of similar measures and see that they have completed all of them and that they are all correct. Would be nice to be able to print all your measures for a PBI report. Would be able to spot errors and have proper documentation outside of the report. Many times, I want to reproduce something from another PBI report, and I would like to have a central location of all my measure I have utilized in the past. Copy and paste take forever if have large number of measures.

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     profile image

    on 4/19/2024 11:47:28 AM

    Power BI

    Measure dependencies

    It would be very usefull of we can see a diagram of which measure uses the other, like a measure that uses 2 measures we can see this in a diagram view, because in large projects with hundreds of measures it becomes complicated to debug measures and find the problem

    There is something similar in PowerQuery called Query Dependencies which is useful but with limited features
