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    Stephen Eyles profile image

    Stephen Eyles on 7/28/2020 11:16:12 AM

    Power BI

    Italics for Card visual

    Please provide ability to select the usual Microsoft font options (italic, bold, underline, etc.) to Card visual Data Label.



    Text styles (bold, italic, underline) have been added to the card visual.

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    Power BI Ideas Admin profile image

    Power BI Ideas Admin on 1/27/2016 8:37:08 PM

    Power BI

    additional font formatting (bold, italic, underline, etc)

    Hi there, I was hoping that the Power BI team could consider bringing additional font formatting options into Power BI. So wherever there is an option to specify font size, colour and so forth, we should also be able to specify other options such as: * Bold * Italic * Underline * Strikeout Also I was wondering if it wouldn't be a good idea to allow users to highlight a specific part of a text to format it, instead of formatting the font for the entire object in question.



    We introduced this functionality as of November 2021! 

    Vote 6
    Anahita Gholami profile image

    Anahita Gholami on 7/19/2021 9:44:51 PM

    Power BI

    More Font Options in Visuals including styles: bold, italic etc.

    Would be nice to be able to have more Font options for all visuals, including the font styles, bold, italic, etc.

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    Dimitri Muniz de Souza Lima profile image

    Dimitri Muniz de Souza Lima on 4/5/2023 5:32:59 PM

    Power BI

    Bold, Italic, Underline and Strikethrough on Conditional Formatting Tables and Matrix

    As many ideas have been published here, but none was implemented in the way MANY of us want. I will try and make my appeal!

    The idea is pretty simple, we want to be able to conditionally format specifc rows or columns with the following options: Bold, Italic, Underline and Strikethrough.

    That would happen for a specific row header, specific row values, entire row, or the same logic applied to columns!


    Products - Price - Quantity - Revenues

    A 2 3 6

    B 1 1 1

    C 5 5 25

    SubTotal1 x 9 32

    D 10 1 10

    E 3 5 15

    F 2 2 4

    SubTotal2 x 8 29

    Total x 17 61

    We want to be able to conditional format the SubTotal1, SubTotal2 and Total entire row, or only header, or only values in Bold, Italic, Underline or Strikethrough!

    Sorry for terrible example.

    Vote 13
    NSR KRISHNA profile image

    NSR KRISHNA on 6/5/2020 2:55:48 PM

    Power BI

    In Power BI Desktop version, please add Bold, Italic, Underline, SubScript, Superscript, Strikethrough , DoubleStrikethrough font effects

    In Power BI Desktop version, could you please add the font styles / effects like Bold, Italic, Underline, SubScript, Superscript, Strikethrough , DoubleStrikethrough to showcase the data or number format as per the effects would be useful.

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    Waldemar de Haas profile image

    Waldemar de Haas on 11/30/2021 8:47:23 AM

    Power BI

    Bold/italic/underline options when setting text formatting for Bookmarks and Page navigator not available

    Based on my test(2.99.782.0 64-bit (November 2021) Power BI Desktop), we couldn't find bold/italic/underline options when setting text formatting for Bookmarks and Page navigator.

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    Jeffrey "Measure-Driven" Weir profile image

    Jeffrey "Measure-Driven" Weir on 2/8/2020 12:46:50 PM

    Power BI

    Better visual cue for when "Enable Load" deselected

    could do with a bigger visual cue is "Enable Load". If you deselect "Enable Load" in PowerQuery, the query names get italicized. But with lots of queries, it is more effort to visually parse this quite subtle cue (italics vs non italics) when looking at a large number of queries. Especially for older eyes and/or on smaller monitors. Some color perhaps?

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    Robert MacRory-Crowley profile image

    Robert MacRory-Crowley on 1/4/2024 8:43:55 AM

    Power BI

    Further formatting options for table titles

    At the moment, using the general table formatting options, table titles can be presented in bold, in italics or underlined. However, it is not possible to highlight specific words or phrases in the table title with these formatting options, i.e., an entire title must be written in bold, in italics or underlined. Highlighting individual words is not an option.

    Adding this option to Power BI would be a simple method to allow greater formatting functionality and more control over table presentation.

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    Power BI User profile image

    Power BI User on 12/3/2019 10:48:22 PM

    Power BI

    Users can modify the field font color when hiding them in the report view

    Allow users to modify the font color of fields when hiding them in the report view instead of the greyout out italics -- better distinction.

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    Cristian Angyal profile image

    Cristian Angyal on 2/8/2024 9:45:14 PM

    Data Factory

    Power Query Online and Power BI Desktop new PQ Experience - Mark "Disabled Load" Queries more visible

    In PQ Online ( and new Power Query Experience in Power BI Desktop it would be very helpful to have the queries with the "Enable Load" button un-checked marked better than Italic font.

    A good option would be to mark them with a separate, dedicated Icon besides the Italic font, or a different, Grey-ish color, or bold font ... or a combination of these.

    Current way of only marking these queries with Italic font is not be the best to see, at a glance, which query is loaded to the Data Model and/or which is a “working” query.

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