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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Dynamic ZIndex

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Marcelo Sequeiros's profile image

Marcelo Sequeiros on 18 Aug 2023 11:33:09

What if all visuals could have the ZINDEX customizable by binding it to a MEASURE? The concept seems simple to implement, because Zindex property is already there. It should only be shown in the FORMAT PANE, allowing the DEVELOPER to bind it to a measure. For sure, the rendering should behave accordingly. Let me explain better my problem, and how such feature could solve it. I have a DASHBOARD where some visuals just makes sense when a single row is selected in a matrix or table. I can create a CARD to act as a MASK over those visuals. So, depending on the user selection, the measures will calculate what I need, changing background and message on that CARD, making it transparent or not. But the CARD remains on the top layer, and my user cannot interact with the visuals. This is bad and frustrating, the user see the visuals but cannot interact with them. So I loose tooltips, I loose drill down, I loose a url link functionality, ... If the ZINDEX can be adjusted by looking to a MEASURE, it would unlock many possibilities on making DASHBOARDS more dynamic.

Comments (1)
Marcelo Sequeiros's profile image Profile Picture

Kieran Leigh on 18 Aug 2023 15:17:19

RE: Dynamic ZIndex

This use case should be covered by having a proper visibility measure that fully hides the item: I have no doubt that Z-Index tricks would have their use - the community continues to surprise me. I can't think of one right now, though.