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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Reposition the "New viewing report as" banner so it doesn't obscure the top of the report canvas area.

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Keith Dickson's profile image

Keith Dickson on 19 Oct 2020 17:09:07

In Power BI desktop, when viewing a report under a specific role or other user, it displays a yellow banner stating "Now viewing report as: xxx" at the top of the report canvas area. This persistent banner covers all visualizations or other elements behind it in the report, making it difficult to view or design these obscured elements.

I suggest either slightly repositioning this banner so that it is docked outside the canvas area, or perhaps add a close/X button to allow the banner to be dismissed.

Comments (2)
Keith Dickson's profile image Profile Picture

Jo Gault on 21 Feb 2023 23:10:45

RE: Reposition the "New viewing report as" banner so it doesn't obscure the top of the report canvas area.

This is a duplicate, please vote here -

Keith Dickson's profile image Profile Picture

Keith Dickson on 19 Oct 2020 17:11:59

RE: Reposition the "New viewing report as" banner so it doesn't obscure the top of the report canvas area.

Typo in idea name. "New viewing report as" should be "Now viewing report as".