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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


API Scan property to identify if the report has custom visuals

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Andrei Amador Salazar's profile image

Andrei Amador Salazar on 22 Nov 2021 16:25:43

Our customer has the need to identify all the reports that are using custom visuals, currently there is no way to pull this information, however we believe this is possible to include in the API scan result. It will be also helpful to have the name of the custom visual.

It can be a simple Boolean field:

HasCustomVisual: True
CustomVisual Name: Tmatrix

Thank you.

Comments (1)
Andrei Amador Salazar's profile image Profile Picture

Andrei Amador on 22 Nov 2021 16:30:17

RE: API Scan property to identify if the report has custom visuals

There is a walkaround but it's very time consuming and hard to deploy.

1. Download all the reports (pbix files)
2. Convert them to .zip files.
3. Create a script that validates if there is any Custom visual in the zip file. The path will be something like this: C:\Users\userDocuments\Reports\Life expectancy\Report\CustomVisuals
If there is any custom visual inside CustomVisuals folder there is a high chance that the report is using a custom visual. (They could remove the custom visual from the report and it will stay there)
4. Write the name of the report if has any custom visual.