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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Bookmark Visibility Include "Ignore" in addition to "Show" and "Hide"

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Michael Seim on 22 Mar 2023 16:06:48


  1. Dashboard has PieChart-A and Matrix-A on top of each other. Buttons are provided so users can toggle between the two. They can choose to view the data as a PieChart or as a Matrix.
  2. So far this works fine...
  3. But if I want ANOTHER Visualization toggle in my dashboard with PieChart-B and Matrix-B on top of each other I have a problem.
  4. I now have to have FOUR bookmarks to achieve this
  5. Bookmark 1: PieChart-A SHOW / Matrix-A HIDE / PieChart-B SHOW / Matric-B HIDE
  6. Bookmark 2: PieChart-A SHOW / Matrix-A HIDE / PieChart-B HIDE / Matric-B SHOW
  7. Bookmark 3: PieChart-A HIDE / Matrix-A SHOW / PieChart-B SHOW / Matric-B HIDE
  8. Bookmark 4: PieChart-A HIDE / Matrix-A SHOW / PieChart-B HIDE / Matric-B SHOW

And this is just TWO toggling visualizations. As you can see it'll get only worse with tree, four, etc. visualizations. And it's so unnatural for users.

I think it'd be nice to have the option to change Bookmark-Selection-Visibility such that elements can be deemed "SHOW", "HIDE", and also "IGNORE CURRENT STATE". That way a bookmark can be used only to turn one element on and one element off.

Comments (1)
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Kieran Leigh on 19 Apr 2023 12:48:59

RE: Bookmark Visibility Include "Ignore" in addition to "Show" and "Hide"

In your bookmark options (three dots menu) you should see a selection between "All visuals" and "Selected Visuals". If you choose "Selected Visuals" and update the bookmark with only the related visuals selected, it will ignore the other visuals.... though each time you want a toggle on a pair of visuals, this requires two bookmarks per pair, so you still have four bookmarks, though it will grow to six instead of eight with three visuals, and so on. A better design may be to just have one "chart" bookmark and one "matrix" bookmark that swaps all of them. Unless users really do want chart A next to matrix B, this would provide a simpler interaction.