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Power BI


Detailed error reporting for scheduled refresh failures

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Eli Acherkan on 11 Jul 2021 11:22:51

Currently, when a scheduled refresh fails, the displayed error message doesn't go into detail about the problem. In particular, in a dataset with multiple data sources, it's impossible to know which of the data sources failed. The error dialog displays a request ID and activity ID, but there's no way to use them to retrieve more details.

Comments (1)
Eli Acherkan's profile image Profile Picture

Michael Nissen on 15 Jul 2022 06:48:55

RE: Detailed error reporting for scheduled refresh failures

Agree! When you have several (in our case about 100) reports of the same name distributed across as many workspaces, there is no way to find out which one of the reports failed to refresh. I suggest the error email should also contain information about what workspace name / id the failure happened in, and possibly report id and dataset id.