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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Allow different database credentials per dataset or workspace

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Tim Houston on 16 Sep 2021 19:16:34

I just learned through support that all datasets that connect to the same Azure SQL data source are required to use the same SQL credentials.  This is true even if the datasets are published to different workspaces.  I think this approach does not align well with most security frameworks, which typically recommend that each individual consumer have unique credentials.  A better solution would be to allow each dataset to have it's own credentials.  Or alternatively, perhaps credentials would at least be unique per workspace.    

Comments (1)
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Pete Gooch on 26 Oct 2022 14:49:10

RE: Allow different database credentials per dataset or workspace

I just ran across the same issue. Two different reports, two different audiences, potentially two different sets of maintainers. Each report given its own login. I don't recall seeing any mention in PowerBI that setting the creds for one dataset would break the other dataset. Please allow each dataset to have its own unique creds!