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Power BI


Refresh a table manually in PBI service

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Vietanh Nguyen on 23 Sep 2022 14:27:53

There are usually multiple tables that we use for the dataset but some some them are rarely updated.

In PBI desktop, we can uncheck "Include in report refresh" for those table and when we need to update them, we can do it manually: select table (more options) > Refresh data.

But in PBI service, we just cannot do that. When we click on refresh, it will refresh whole the dataset (which are checked "Include in report refresh". We cannot manually refresh a single table, which is NOT Include in report refresh.

I think this is a basic demand. Not all of our dataset refresh frequently, some tables (especially dimension/reference tables) rarely get updated but they do update some times. And I think it is inconvenient to go desktop mode just to manually refresh those table then re-publish it.

Comments (1)
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Simon Loughnane on 20 Oct 2022 11:26:29

RE: Refresh a table manually in PBI service

The lack of this capability really limits some business scenarios which we would like to use Power BI for. This is possible in Premium using the XLMA end point but this is not always an option, particularly in large organisations where users do not have sufficient rights. The other option we have had to revert to is reading certain tables in Direct Query mode. There is a significant performance impact with this approach which frustrates users and limits adoption.