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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Allow more geojson features in Azure Maps visual

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Derick Cellarius's profile image

Derick Cellarius on 07 Jun 2022 15:49:34

The Azure Maps visual in Power BI allows the desktop user to add a reference layer to the map with a text file in .json format. This is useful to show custom territory shapes or reference points on the map.

There are some .geojson properties that are blocked but would be nice to have.


-Marker symbols inside markers. Currently a marker can be shown in Azure Maps for Power BI, but the symbol inside the marker will not. The symbol would allow easier separation of different markers

Comments (2)
Derick Cellarius's profile image Profile Picture

Winston Carter on 02 Dec 2022 19:02:46

RE: Allow more geojson features in Azure Maps visual

Added support for the need labels on GeoJSON data. My use-case has two different kinds of address, one with thousands of points that do not need a label, and a second of about a dozen major points that *do* need a label. If I try to add the label to the legend it pops that on to all the thousands of lesser points and actually fails to render any points at all. If I could code into the GeoJSON layer the major points and their labels instead it would be a huge boon to my project.

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Ricky Brundritt (HE/HIM) on 09 Aug 2022 17:30:21

RE: Allow more geojson features in Azure Maps visual

Currently all point data in the Azure Maps Power BI visual reference layer is rendered using a Bubble layer, and not a symbol/marker layer. I believe this is done as Power BI doesn't allow connections to externally hosted files such as images as loading in a marker image from outside of Power BI would expose a potential security vulnerability (adding support for loading in images into the visual at creation time is a potential future option but requires a decent amount of dev work to ensure good security). As for the label/title, I believe there were plans for adding additional features around reference layers however I believe this feature is lower priority currently as focus has been on getting the visual out of preview and into GA.