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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Support Parameterized Power BI Dataset Data Connections

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Ryan Bettilyon on 07 Oct 2020 21:25:06

Let's harmonize two Enterprise best practices: using Centralized Datasets, and using Deployment Pipelines in both the Centralized Dataset Workspace AND in their affiliated Reporting Workspaces. Currently, its not possible to parameterize Power BI Dataset connections (one of the few connection types not supported) making it impossible to use a Deployment Pipeline Rule in a Reporting Workspace to point to the Development or Test version of the Centralized Dataset. This would enable parallel Development and Testing of both the Centralized Dataset, and dependent reports in their separate Reporting Workspaces. This will allow administrators to have a single click for Deployment not only in the Centralized Dataset Workspace, but also in the Reporting Workspaces which could then contain rules to point the Power BI Dataset connection from [Develepment] to [Test] to Production versions of the Centralized Dataset in parallel with the Centralized Dataset deployment itself.

Better yet would be to enable multi-Workspace Deployment Pipelines to enable single click deployments of both the Centralized Dataset and any number of dependent Reporting Workspaces that use the Centralized Dataset but I suppose that'll be a separate Idea.