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Better Date Range filters

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Peter Eliason's profile image

Peter Eliason on 12 Apr 2016 22:42:26

The timeline slicer (Custom Visualization) functions, but it is not a friendly tool. If I quickly want to select a "Start" and "End" date for a date range, it would be more helpful to have a popup calendar with an optional freeform text box for both the "Start" and "End" date ranges.

Administrator on 01 Nov 2016 05:05:24

I'm very pleased to say we've shipped a much improved date slicer in the October release of PBI Desktop. More details are available here: Let us know what you think and please keep those suggestions coming! thanks!

Comments (70)
Peter Eliason's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:39:46

RE: Better Date Range filters

Date slicer is an improvement, but the slicer should be able to group by Year, QTR, Month, Week. If my data covers a 5 year span the slicer should automatically offer the groupings above

Peter Eliason's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:36:54

RE: Better Date Range filters

well done

Peter Eliason's profile image Profile Picture

hugh.cox on 05 Jul 2020 22:36:52

RE: Better Date Range filters

Simple From To date function which is permeated throughout all tabs. Very basic should have been part of the initial version.

Peter Eliason's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:34:27

RE: Better Date Range filters

The updated slicer does not seem to work quite right when using the "between" option. It is automatically adding one day to the end date. For example, I have a table that shows me a list of patients seen as well as their insurance carrier. I then built the slicer to use the date of service field so I can pull a list of patients for any given date range. If I input that I want 11/01/16 - 11/02/16 my list shows me patients for 11/01/16 - 11/03/16.

When I change it to a list display I can pick just those two dates and get only those dates.

Peter Eliason's profile image Profile Picture

Adam Kruzel on 05 Jul 2020 22:34:14

RE: Better Date Range filters

I made another request here to just make the timeline slicer like the one in Excel for those who think it looks and functions better.

Peter Eliason's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:34:06

RE: Better Date Range filters

An update that would allow us to pin a universal timeline slicer onto a dashboard would be amazing. Doing so would enable management to alter the timeline of all reports being shown on a particular dashboard.

Peter Eliason's profile image Profile Picture

Adam Kruzel on 05 Jul 2020 22:34:04

RE: Better Date Range filters

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you just reverse the change completed here? If managers want to know how November performed, they'd rather just click on November in a timeline slicer rather than having to select November 1st and November 31st. Help me understand why this can't just be made to resemble the timeline slicer already in Excel?

Peter Eliason's profile image Profile Picture

Mike on 05 Jul 2020 22:33:53

RE: Better Date Range filters

I love how little real estate this takes up compared to the custom Timeline visual, but 2 ideas for improvement: 1) Show a date axis under the timeline and 2) Add the ability to toggle "snap to" Week/Month/Quarter/Year, more similar to Excel's Timeline.

Peter Eliason's profile image Profile Picture

Jukka on 05 Jul 2020 22:33:30

RE: Better Date Range filters

Date slider is really good new feature but I also totally agree what Michael said. There should be default time scale on when you open the page. That default time scale should running automatically forward example if default is a month date slider should set time from first day of the month to the current day of the month.

Peter Eliason's profile image Profile Picture

Michael on 05 Jul 2020 22:33:24

RE: Better Date Range filters

I like the idea but still need to have something more robust. I have a value that comes in on the first of each month. I want to show "month" selection and not a calendar start and end. Think of same for Year and Quarter. There is a Timeline visual available that is close to what I expect but the slider area resizes unfortunately and not a fixed size on the report. Also, setting a default value (if a user clicks in the white space, it should show the "default" value of latest month and not the total of all months and all years. Perhaps a method of educating the executives when clicking within slicers. One could have a "Select All" option but when clicking in the white pace, it goes to the latest month in the data.