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Power BI


Create calculated measures on top of a live SSAS connection

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on 02 Feb 2016 21:57:09

Creating a live connection to SSAS MD or Tabular is working just fine. However, it would be very beneficial to have the ability to create new calculated measures (in MDX). Just like we can create our own calculated measures when writing an MDX query for a SSRS dataset.

Administrator on 04 May 2017 01:33:35

Hi everyone! I'm really excited to announce that you can now create calculated measures on top of a live SSAS connection! The measures are stored in your report definition and sent along with the queries to your model. You can read more information about that here We're planning support for quick measures in this mode soon, and also looking at expanding this further based on your feedback: - If you want calculated columns/tables you can vote here - If you want support over SSAS Multidimensional, vote here Thanks everyone!

Comments (145)
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Daniel Otykier on 05 Jul 2020 22:45:33

RE: Create calculated measures on top of a live SSAS connection

The new Quick Calcs introduced in April 2017 update of Power BI, does not seem to support live connections to AS :-(

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Roy Sleight on 05 Jul 2020 22:45:29

RE: Create calculated measures on top of a live SSAS connection

This is absolutely essential to our company. We cannot rely solely on IT to create DAX measures. Each adhoc report is so different we need the ability for report writers to create there on calculations.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:44:23

RE: Create calculated measures on top of a live SSAS connection

Hi, since we tried out the on premise rendering in SSRS with the Technical Preview we're making plans to deploy all our analytics results with Power BI. But everytime we think we overcome all our issue's with using components of the MS BI stack (DBMS, SSAS, SSIS, SSRS, Power BI), a new thing is popping up. Please tell us what the complete roadmap is for Microsoft coming months, so we can make some solid plans.

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Jele on 05 Jul 2020 22:44:05

RE: Create calculated measures on top of a live SSAS connection

Please implement also in Multidim cubes, this is needed asap please! Thanks a lot :)

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Mikkel.Dam on 05 Jul 2020 22:44:05

RE: Create calculated measures on top of a live SSAS connection

This is really needed!! please support ASAP

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julian.tobon on 05 Jul 2020 22:43:29

RE: Create calculated measures on top of a live SSAS connection

This is urgent, do not delay this update so much.

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Gordo on 05 Jul 2020 22:42:57

RE: Create calculated measures on top of a live SSAS connection

Desperate for this functionality. Hands are totally tied with the current lock down when connecting to any cubes, and field names also are currently are awful for end users.

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Scott A on 05 Jul 2020 22:42:41

RE: Create calculated measures on top of a live SSAS connection

This... AND ability to transform. Some column names in some of our datasets are vague and we'd like to be able to change the names in the reports.

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Patrick on 05 Jul 2020 22:42:35

RE: Create calculated measures on top of a live SSAS connection

This is so badly needed. From a Reporting and analytics side. not having this functionality makes it really hard for me to sell PowerBI when using Cube

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Gottfried Eder on 05 Jul 2020 22:42:15

RE: Create calculated measures on top of a live SSAS connection

Very welcome, please also calculated columns (for Tabular Models)