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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


private publish to web

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on 04 Feb 2016 17:14:48

Make the publish to web feature available to be used for private sites so that confidential information can also be shown.
And please make the authentication method as flexible as possible

Administrator on 10 Feb 2017 08:40:58

Today I’m very excited to announce the availability of the Power BI report web part for SharePoint Online! We’ve heard from you that you wanted an easy way to securely share Power BI reports in internal sites, enforce security permission, including data security. We’ve been busy at work with the SharePoint team building an out-of-the-box web part for SharePoint Online using their new Modern Pages infrastructure. The new web part we are releasing today enables SharePoint authors to embed Power BI reports directly in SharePoint Online pages with no code required! The feature is available today for Office 365 First Release customers. Truely, this is the 'private' publish to web. You can read more about it on the Power BI Blog: I know from reading many of the comments below that there are other cases in which people want to embed in external portals that enforce authentication, or on billboards that update data frequently. We have a great solution you can build on in Power BI Embedded, an Azure service you can use to build these kinds of experiences. You can read about it here: We really appreciate all the feedback and ideas. Please tell us what else you'd like to see us add to Power BI. -Lukasz

Comments (133)
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Bill Mahoney on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:11

RE: private publish to web

Private publish should allow a user who has a SQL Server 2016 SSRS reporting environment the ability to publish a login restricted URL to the internet for external consumption of registered users. Search engines like Bing, Google, etc... should not index this URL and display information on what is contained in the URL.

This would allow for organizations the ability to publish customer test results to the internet in a secured and controlled fashion.

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ThomasDay on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:11

RE: private publish to web

This enables "start up" analytics companies or helps spawn new analytics insights from the many new public data sources and publish to the web within a short period. The "power" in PowerBi is empowerment for analytic strategists. PowerBi simplifies the whole ETL layer--the visualizations give us a growing flexitility to produce exciting and insightful displays and functionality.

I'm experimenting with embedding--a first step I suppose, but this has huge potential to change the landscape of data use.

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Jorge Diaz on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:11

RE: private publish to web

It should be good if the url(publish to web) is generated with some private information for example servername(intranet/extranet) or with a key(uniqueidentifier). So if someone has the url but try to run publish to web url from another server or without the key it will not work. The only way to run publish web is to run it from the servername we use to generate the URL in power BI.

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ste Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:11

RE: private publish to web

We would like to publish Power BI reports to our O365 sites and embed in internal web based reporting portals.

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Matt Bayne on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:11

RE: private publish to web

My specific business need is to be able to publish Power BI dashboards to internal SharePoint team sites with access controlled by existing active directly groups.
I don't have any need currently to publish for external customers and prefer if the access / indexing / security controls DON'T make it easy to replicate the data outside of our company.

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Kevin on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:11

RE: private publish to web

Our business need is to publish individual dashboards so they can be viewed on our internal system. I'd prefer to embed them in our site so if publishing can generate some embed code that would work.

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Ivan Bondarenko on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:10

RE: private publish to web

When I voted for this, I held in mind O365 pages / team sites / project sites etc. Which can be accessed by external and internal users. Depending on report, internal O365 user must see what he is able to see according to row-level security (if report supports this).

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Martin Kirby on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:10

RE: private publish to web

I envisioned our users having the ability to publish and share on O365 page/sites, etc.
I think that someone below mentioned a webpart like feature, which I like. So, a user can add a PBI webpart to a site and then choose the dashboard/report/chart they would like to embed.
I would expect it to be quite static (except for refreshes), as anyone who needed to interact with the data would need the PBI license.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:10

RE: private publish to web

For me I am looking to embed reports inside a .net MVC web app hosted on Azure with the data in a sql azure database. The site is a Business application so users have to authenticate in order to use 90% of the site. Inside this site there are various places I would want authenticated users to see reports. Obviously I don't want those reports to be viewable outside of my authenticated web pages.

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Georg Gabel on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:10

RE: private publish to web

What do think about a Webpart for Sharepoint like the Excel View Webpart.
Local (Sharepoint) hosted PowerBI can be played. The other great way to play PowerBI in Sharepoint cann be work like a Content Editor Script to inject the PowerBI Funktionality.