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Power BI


private publish to web

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on 04 Feb 2016 17:14:48

Make the publish to web feature available to be used for private sites so that confidential information can also be shown.
And please make the authentication method as flexible as possible

Administrator on 10 Feb 2017 08:40:58

Today I’m very excited to announce the availability of the Power BI report web part for SharePoint Online! We’ve heard from you that you wanted an easy way to securely share Power BI reports in internal sites, enforce security permission, including data security. We’ve been busy at work with the SharePoint team building an out-of-the-box web part for SharePoint Online using their new Modern Pages infrastructure. The new web part we are releasing today enables SharePoint authors to embed Power BI reports directly in SharePoint Online pages with no code required! The feature is available today for Office 365 First Release customers. Truely, this is the 'private' publish to web. You can read more about it on the Power BI Blog: I know from reading many of the comments below that there are other cases in which people want to embed in external portals that enforce authentication, or on billboards that update data frequently. We have a great solution you can build on in Power BI Embedded, an Azure service you can use to build these kinds of experiences. You can read about it here: We really appreciate all the feedback and ideas. Please tell us what else you'd like to see us add to Power BI. -Lukasz

Comments (133)
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Casey on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:15

RE: private publish to web

I work for a small consulting firm that does data work and reporting for various clients.

We need to be able to share reports externally with users who may not have any kind of Office 365 or other Microsoft account.

We need to be able to share them securely with some means of access control.

We need to be able to share a report with someone at CompanyA without another client at CompanyB being able to access it. We may need to restrict access between Deptartment1 and Deptartment2 at the same organization.

Right now, we can Publish to Web and embed the reports in an external website behind password-protected pages with unpublished URLs. That's not a great option, though. Weak security.

We need to be sure that our reports are not included in a public gallery or other such site. Perhaps Publish to Web could be restricted in such a way that they could only be embedded on a site with an approved domain name? I have no idea how that would work.

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Rick van der Bruin on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:13

RE: private publish to web

1. I want to embed the reports and/or dashboard in Sharepoint online for internal use only. that's is why i need the private publish to web. Now i have created group workspace in Power BI,however this is not the way we want to organise and share report threw the oragnisation. It would be great to have these group reports embedding in sharepoint.

2. i also would like to share live reportdata with other companies via a third party sharepoint page.

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Jonas Bøhmer on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:13

RE: private publish to web

My need, and that of my company is to publish sensitive data within our sharepoint collections.
It's actually acceptable to have no further access control that sharpoint, though not ideal.
I would also like to be able to send one-off reports via mail, but that's far less important.

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Arttu Vuorinen on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:13

RE: private publish to web

Our customers have scenarios where they want to publish reports to intranet (usually Sharepoint). Reports/tiles should be visible without any extra sign-ins but not public to whole internet.

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Patrick on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:13

RE: private publish to web

I would like to be able to share things like YTD billing and performance with our customers without having to worry about the report finding its way to a public powerbi gallery and ideally have it password protected so anyone with the link and the pin/password can view the information.... these reports would be made available to people outside of our company infrastructure.

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Matt Allington on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:12

RE: private publish to web

Sometimes I want to share reports to people inside the organisation but just sending them a link. This could be an adhoc report, built for purpose, or it could be an existing report. The convenience of cut and paste a URL should not be underestimated.

Also I see use cases where companies want to share data with other companies, such as marketing agencies, suppliers etc. I would want to create a specific report for these third parties and allow them to access the data live, but they can only see the data I want them to see - such as their own products.

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Richie Rich on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:11

RE: private publish to web

We would like to publish Power BI reports to our web-based intranet, where access is limited to our local networks. This can be done today, but we can't have public access to our data for everyone that finds the url to our report.

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Antti Paulanne on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:11

RE: private publish to web

We would need to show reports and dashboard tiles for our external customers. All the users will be authenticated by our site and they will be shown reports based on their own data. We would need functionality like in the REST API, but without the required login UI for Microsoft account. We would still need to have the user identification in power bi based on the user we have identified in our website.

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Corey Kapp on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:11

RE: private publish to web

We are looking to use Power BI within O365 sites. Our business has many sites for each business area and team so being able to embed Power BI within those sites that users already go to would be a big step in the right direction

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Ygor Silva Cezar on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:11

RE: private publish to web

We have a customer portal (facing the web) where customers can look at their water bills when they log in. We would like to give them some insights about their consumption using reports from power bi.