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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


private publish to web

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on 04 Feb 2016 17:14:48

Make the publish to web feature available to be used for private sites so that confidential information can also be shown.
And please make the authentication method as flexible as possible

Administrator on 10 Feb 2017 08:40:58

Today I’m very excited to announce the availability of the Power BI report web part for SharePoint Online! We’ve heard from you that you wanted an easy way to securely share Power BI reports in internal sites, enforce security permission, including data security. We’ve been busy at work with the SharePoint team building an out-of-the-box web part for SharePoint Online using their new Modern Pages infrastructure. The new web part we are releasing today enables SharePoint authors to embed Power BI reports directly in SharePoint Online pages with no code required! The feature is available today for Office 365 First Release customers. Truely, this is the 'private' publish to web. You can read more about it on the Power BI Blog: I know from reading many of the comments below that there are other cases in which people want to embed in external portals that enforce authentication, or on billboards that update data frequently. We have a great solution you can build on in Power BI Embedded, an Azure service you can use to build these kinds of experiences. You can read about it here: We really appreciate all the feedback and ideas. Please tell us what else you'd like to see us add to Power BI. -Lukasz

Comments (133)
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Tom Seiple on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:24

RE: private publish to web

Agreed, this is certainly something that would be useful for a firm that doesn't have the financial capabilities to build our own visualization platform.

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Jacob Geary on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:24

RE: private publish to web

Publishing our report/charts to the internet to be able to host on our own internal site (SharePoint) is not feasible due to confidential data, not to mention the possibility that it "Could" be used in a Public Gallery. An option to have these reports published (or exported on a schedule to pdf or photo) and consistently updated for internal use is the only way we can start to use this...

The dashboard option "could" work, but we are AD integrated, not Azure, and requiring users to create an account isn't a feasible option.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:23

RE: private publish to web

L pawlowski asked me to comment how we'd use this. we have our own application we are integrating w PBI. We would like to include BI report to present to user via web page. We certainly do NOT want it on the public internet. if user needs a login we can manage that. thanks!

R Karen

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Patrick Willborn on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:20

RE: private publish to web

We would need this feature to a) publish PBI Reports & Dashboards to a Digital Signage Solution and b) to provide access to single reports & dashboards by link - but only to selected persons due to security reasons and confidential data.

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Jarkko Suominen on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:20

RE: private publish to web

We would like to be able to publish PBI content to internal or external users (depending on case). Just not publicly on internet but only to selected users due to security/data confidentiality reasons. Intranet could be in Sharepoint Online/On prem or other solutions.

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Brian Hojnoski on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:20

RE: private publish to web

It would be great to make this a permission level so that we can restrict by user who has the capability to Publish to Web or Share Externally. The Tenant Level settings are way too broad for enterprise use.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:17

RE: private publish to web

'The aim is to create a report/dashboard for a customer/third party therby using customer data. The customer should be able to access the full size report view just with a link. So the employees on the customer side have a full screen view of the report without any of the other options. Since we are using customer data this can not be accessible open on the net for everyone. So some kind of passwort protection or proprietary directlogin Link would be optimal


- Directlogin per client based on a client usernaeme/password
- Directlogin on full size view of report/dashboard

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Mike Ashton on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:17

RE: private publish to web

We're trying to help the adoption of PowerBI within our company. The tool itself offers great potential, however the stumbling block is that we have to publish to the web. Instead of working with our users on reports, we are now having to work with the Legal department (where is the data held? Which laws is it subject to? What guarantees do we have for the future? Does it fit with the FCA guidance for companies using the cloud? Are our data-suppliers happy for us to put their data on the cloud?)

We also face having to sell to our users the fact that confidential company data will now be stored (or a report made visible, even if the data remains on-premise) on the internet.

These two hurdles unfortunately make the adoption of PowerBI very difficult. Instead of focussing on the benefits that such interactive reports could give our company, we face a very time-consuming exercise to implement this.

One obvious solution would be to allow us to publish reports to our own intranet, hosted on Sharepoint, in the same way we do now with SSRS reports.

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dung-anh on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:17

RE: private publish to web

actually deploying Power BI to our customer, we get into a situation that we need to publish the report from power bi to our intranet (which based on Sharepoint).
If we use "Publish to web", this functionnality is too dangerous.

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Gustav Palsson on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:16

RE: private publish to web

We would like to be able to publish reports embedded to an internal system within the organization. We can already do with with much fiddling with keys and clientIDs, client secrets and more, but if the data it build to automatically be refreshed, every single user that looks at the reports has to run a Power Bi Pro license, because we use a gateway to refresh the data.
Giving access to the reports is also "fiddely" because we have to manually add people to different groups instead of just choosing existing groups within the organization and give those access.
Our way around that was to create outlook groups (365 groups) and publish power bi reports into that group.

I had imagined that we could have some users make the content and pushing reports for the organization with a full Power Bi Pro license and then some smaller licenses for the users who only need to consume / view the reports.

An ideal way to share reports would be if the publishers could publish in a similar way as we can now with a public report, but have is secured and not require a login.

Luckily, our application requires a login against the Azure AD and we can reuse the credentials with the Power Bi reports so that part isn't a big issue for us but it would probably be for others.

What would be nice for us is if we could use the simple iframe solution like we have for public reports but without the report being completely public. It would be a lot easier to implement and it would solve the license issues where everyone in a rather large organization will need pro licenses to just view reports made by others.