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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Create multiple apps from same workspace

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Power BI User on 30 May 2017 13:51:33

Create multiple apps from same workspace infect from same Dataset without replicating the dataset multiple times. only option we have now is to update the app and only one app per workspace can be created which a kind of restrict the workspace usability. If we can create multiple apps share it with different users without creating multiple workspace ... means same dataset no dataset replication, will save the storage as well.

Administrator on 03 May 2024 04:08:38

May 2024 update: We are working on creating a separate app as an artifact which will release in the coming months. thank you all for the feedback.
March 2022 update: we plan to have a private preview soon and hopefully release to the public in July

Comments (322)
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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 03:58:08

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

This feature is really needed, please MS to consider for implementation.

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Rory Neary on 16 Aug 2020 03:58:01

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

We need to be able to create multiple Apps from a single workspace.

My business has just moved over to premium on the basis that you get everything you have with pro licences but you users don't have to be individually named.

I need to clarify that this isn't strictly the case. With PowerBI premium you can now only share via Apps. Any other form of sharing requires a pro licence. The consequence of this is that you have to share EVERYTHING that resides in a workspace.

In the case of our business we have a data model that produces a set of reports some of which we would like to share with one group of users and some that we would like to share with another. You cannot do that. The only way that you can create this behaviour is by creating a separate workspace with a separate instance of the same data model but just create the report you require in this new workspace.

As a corporate user this is a poor experience and many others businesses will be similarly affected. Power BI Team - you need to have this use case on your radar or you'll have some very unhappy customers very soon. I think the 1 to 1 approach is flawed and should be reconsidered.

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Adam Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 03:57:38

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

Would make usage and distribution easier if the Developers can customize and distribute multiple apps from one App Workspace.

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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 03:57:36

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

Totally agree, I would be saving 10 duplicate data models this way

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Alessandro Barus on 16 Aug 2020 03:57:33

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

I totally agree with you. This app scenario will create a lot of replication and misalignment risk in all our reports.

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Power BI User on 10 Jul 2020 17:22:30

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

Totally agree! My solution was to work in power Bi Desktop with PBI Service Dataset as a source and upload the same report to different workspaces. So i do not need to copy it across workspaces.

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suidino on 10 Jul 2020 17:22:28

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

Yes, totally agree. In our organization, we have same needs.

Because of "one source of truth", we will like to use ONE absolute dataset across different WORKSPACE. But APP from different WS other than dataset needs to add access permission to the original WS. This is too annoying! But if we can publish mutilple APP from one WS, we can publish different type of collection of report APP based on the viewers need.

Please consider.

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Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:17:43

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

Yes, I would have thought this idea would have many votes, I see that the original idea was deleted. It is obvious and definitely required.

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Christian on 06 Jul 2020 00:16:54

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

Agreed on this, we were so close to thinking of a great workaround. Adding an option on the copy reports to another workspace button (a checkbox that says update copied reports when original report is updated / and another that says update published apps to include this report). This would allow you to publish a source report and then publish reference reports to other workspaces that way you can manage the security of what a user can see at the workspace level for the reference reports. Then only users with access to those workspaces can see the reports and you can then publish with little to no issues. It's janky, but could work.

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Craig Bryden on 06 Jul 2020 00:14:48

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

I have so many customers who cannot understand why this has not been catered for

Merged Idea (4)