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Power BI


Create multiple apps from same workspace

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Power BI User on 30 May 2017 13:51:33

Create multiple apps from same workspace infect from same Dataset without replicating the dataset multiple times. only option we have now is to update the app and only one app per workspace can be created which a kind of restrict the workspace usability. If we can create multiple apps share it with different users without creating multiple workspace ... means same dataset no dataset replication, will save the storage as well.

Administrator on 03 May 2024 04:08:38

May 2024 update: We are working on creating a separate app as an artifact which will release in the coming months. thank you all for the feedback.
March 2022 update: we plan to have a private preview soon and hopefully release to the public in July

Comments (322)
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Kunaal Bhagani on 16 Aug 2020 04:14:21

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

How would shared dataset overcome the situation where I have 2 group and 2 reports. 1 group needs access to both reports but the other group only needs access to 1 of the report?

in the current method both have to be published to the app and accessible by the groups.

in the example by Lukasz, wouldnt it mean having to duplicate one of the reports in both workspaces?

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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:14:19

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

PBI Team, please give this some serious reconsideration. It is one of the most voted on Ideas and clearly highly desired. As consumers of the service, we all see the same value in this idea and the overhead created by the alternative of shared datasets and multiple workspaces.

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Nicole Meier on 16 Aug 2020 04:13:55

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

I agree. We also would like to only work with one workspace but have many Apps within one workspace so that different groups can see their related report within the Apps.

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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:13:51

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

Sharing data set is great, but still need to be able to create more than one app from any single workspace, otherwise I would have a huge proliferation of workspaces, that I don't need

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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:13:51

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

We are testing the shared datasets. For "report creators" it's ok. One dataset in workspace A can be shared to workspace B which is as it should be. But workspace B cannot include the shared dataset in the app for workspace B. So it's unclear how report "viewers" in apps can benefit from these shared datasets, if they cannot benefit from this the report creators are designing only for themselves?

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Alex Chase on 16 Aug 2020 04:13:50

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

As an organization that has been avidly using Power BI, we have developed hundreds of reports that need to be accessed across the enterprise. For non-technical users, Power BI Apps are a perfect solution. However, currently our reports are organized in to only two workspaces, those that are used internally by employees and those that are developed for clients externally.

Ideally, we would like to create a separate Power BI App for each of our 15 some departments to prevent non-technical end users from having to search hundreds of reports to access the data they want. The current system would limit our organization to creating only two apps unless we dissembled the current system and rebuilt 15 individual workspaces containing duplicates of the reports for each department. The fact is, however; that many of the reports are applicable to many different business units. As many people have stated, creating 15 workspaces is not a solution. Having the ability to build multiple apps from the same workspace is almost essential to the success of our data sharing methods moving forward.

An update such as this one would make Power BI accessible to all employees and a truly "Enterprise Ready" system. Please consider this suggestion.

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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:13:48

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

That we can share datasets now, is realy great. It takes the product to a next level. But I still think it would be a very good addition to the product.
The use case discibed by Sander Bongertman (in the previous post) is valid.

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Sander Bongertman on 16 Aug 2020 04:13:47

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

This would be hugely beneficial. For example, we have a B2B workspace, in which we have 10 reports.

I want to share a few with Marketing, those and another few with Sales, and just the high-level ones with the management board. Publishing 3 apps out of our B2B workspace would be perfect.

Creating 3 workspaces with identical reports is not the solution, even though we now have a single dataset. We still need to copy the actual reports 3 times.

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Howard Fulks on 16 Aug 2020 04:13:38

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

Companies do not want a proliferation of semi-redundant workspaces just so different applications can be published, please fix this issue.

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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:13:38

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

Agreed with Howard Fulks below. We do not need hundreds of workspaces when a few apps in each workspace would fit the bill.

Merged Idea (4)