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    Jeffrey "Measure-Driven" Weir profile image

    Jeffrey "Measure-Driven" Weir on 6/25/2022 3:32:01 AM

    Power BI

    Tooltip Offset option to ensure tooltips don't obscure the point they are called from.

    You know what would REALLY help build UIs that don't get in the way of insight? The ability to specify an offset for the display of Report Page Tooltips, so they don't obscure the point you are hovering over at the time.


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    Mattis Kristoffersson profile image

    Mattis Kristoffersson on 9/28/2023 7:57:31 AM

    Power BI

    Measure description as visual tooltip

    In order for users to understand the calculations applied through DAX Measure a useful feature would be to be able to display the measure description, which is added in the model view in Power BI, to the tooltips in the visual where the measure is used. This would allow the user to understand how calculations are made without any DAX knowledge.

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    Power BI User profile image

    Power BI User on 11/7/2019 4:41:03 PM

    Power BI

    Show field properties of measure in a tooltip

    Able to show field properties in tooltip. This is useful to explain a matrix where multiple measures are used. In the field properties you can explain what the measure does. With the possibility to add this explanation to a tooltip, you can explain the measure to a user without losing space or creating a pdf file with a instruction.

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    Saran Mara profile image

    Saran Mara on 4/26/2022 7:24:27 AM

    Power BI

    display measures description as a tooltip when the measure is placed on a visual

    It will be very usefull if we get the option to display measures description as a tooltip when the measure is placed on a visual

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    Power BI User profile image

    Power BI User on 2/22/2018 4:15:19 AM

    Power BI

    Allow tooltip measures to be added as a label within a visual.

    Allow measures that have been added in tooltips to be added as a label within a visual. It would be nice to be able to choose which measure is used for a data label on a visual. Example would be stacked bar chart with order counts by product category having a percent of category measure displayed instead of the product order count, but still retaining the original measure's number formatting on the Y axis.

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    James Newcombe profile image

    James Newcombe on 3/7/2023 9:19:37 AM

    Power BI

    Tooltip as a property of a field

    Hello. I've recently begun using tooltips for some of my measures. However, the method is a bit longwinded; having to create a separate hidden tooltip page for each measure. I think it would be much better to make the tooltip text a property of a field. So once you have entered the text you want to describe the field it could be shown wherever you use that field.

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    Power BI User profile image

    Power BI User on 11/17/2019 7:50:48 AM

    Power BI

    Add tooltips for decomposition tree

    Please add tooltips to the fabulous decomp tree visual. For example, I have a chart that shows a measure of cycle time. THe decomp visual does a great job at allowing the users to drill into what's driving that number, but often times there maybe a very low volume item that is significantly driving the measure. I don't care if a product has a really long cycle time if it's not material in the overall calculation. Specifically, looking at median measures. I need to understand the volume of each item. An easy way to do this is via a tooltip.

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    Jeffrey "Measure-Driven" Weir profile image

    Jeffrey "Measure-Driven" Weir on 5/31/2020 6:25:16 PM

    Power BI

    Dismiss tooltips by pushing ESC

    Tooltips should be dismissable by the user in the event that they are blocking then view of the underlying visual...especially given report-page tooltips may get quite large. ESC would do nicely...although obviously the app would need to check if the dashboard is being displayed in fullscreen mode in the service and that a tooltip is displayed, or otherwise the user may be dumped out of fullscreen mode unintentionally.

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    Pierre-Henri Durand profile image

    Pierre-Henri Durand on 7/7/2017 5:08:59 PM

    Power BI

    Tooltip at Page Level

    It would be great if we can add a kind of tooltip at Page level. For exemple I'm using a measure to display last refreshed time on my report. But I've to put a visual on each page for this, using space in the page. I'd rather put it on a page tooltip (which mean it is diplay any time we put the cursor at the page)

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    Russell Larkin profile image

    Russell Larkin on 7/13/2017 4:48:53 PM

    Power BI

    Change Tooltip Background Colour and Transparency

    It would be useful to be able to change the background colour and transparency of the tooltip to highlight and colour-code, and to allow parts of the visual to be seen behind it. The latter would be extremely useful when comparing data in visuals and for when you have a tooltip with a lot of measures listed as the tooltip can often get in the way.

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