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    Stretcharm profile image

    Stretcharm on 8/23/2017 2:59:30 AM

    Power BI


    Single tab refresh. Have the option to refresh all the data sources for the current tab only.

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    Måns Rydell profile image

    Måns Rydell on 10/14/2022 6:29:10 AM

    Power BI

    Refresh time in Refresh history

    It would be neat if we could have a time column for Refreshes in refresh history on services.

    Vote 56
    Vincent Bersagol profile image

    Vincent Bersagol on 5/6/2015 11:20:07 PM

    Developer APIs

    Auto refresh: trigger data refresh

    Being able via an API / web address to trigger a source refresh – we have sources that could take 4 to 5 hours but sometime it can take more. Scheduling the refresh at a given time you may miss a refresh cycle / or refreshing the data every hour while the source is updated only once a day is using resources for nothing. Being able to trigger a refresh “automatically” at the end of the job process would allow to coordinate tasks (DB refresh, Cube refresh, Excel file refresh and then PowerBI refresh).

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    Claudio CREIS profile image

    Claudio CREIS on 7/21/2022 10:21:14 AM

    Power BI

    Refresh label when refreshing

    Add the name of the file that the power Bi is being refreshed from. (when you click the refresh botton)

    Vote 42
    Jowel Vizco profile image

    Jowel Vizco on 11/29/2018 6:09:39 AM

    Power BI

    Scheduled Refresh

    Need the following options to refresh the data: 1. Have the ability to refresh specific tables from the Datasets. -- We have a report that contains intraday, daily and MTD data. We only need to refresh the daily and MTD data once a day but the intraday reporting needs to be refreshed every 30 minutes. 2. Have the ability to set the time with increments of up to a minute. -- Currently, we only have a 30-minute increment to schedule a dataset refresh and this limits our ability to separate multiple dataset refresh at a given timeframe. For example, I have 5 reports that runs 3 minutes to completely refresh the data, instead of running them at once, I can schedule the refresh with 3 minutes increment to avoid too much load in the server.

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    Richard Bealkowski profile image

    Richard Bealkowski on 1/30/2021 7:19:18 PM

    Power BI

    Conditional Refresh

    Summary: Under Scheduled refresh add an option to refresh only if the previous refresh failed. Justification: We are aware of scenarios where people schedule extra refreshes as insurance just in case their primary refresh cycle(s) fail. The PBI Service can assist in improving efficiency and reducing redundancy in computing loads by providing a conditional refresh option.

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    Katherine Workman profile image

    Katherine Workman on 9/20/2023 7:38:39 PM

    Power BI

    Refresh Status

    Since Refresh Date does not mean the time a refresh occurred successfully, it would be nice to have either this fixed to only change the date and time upon successful refresh or another field that will have the message within Power BI to display as last refresh date "failed" or "success"

    As it is now, it looks like a refresh date means it refreshed which is incorrect.

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    Neelam Hirawath profile image

    Neelam Hirawath on 9/16/2022 10:17:24 AM

    Power BI

    Refresh Status

    I always face this issue where I need to see if the refresh is ongoing or not.

    As a viewer of a Power BI report, I see the refresh date and Time but not the status of refresh - is the refresh ongoing?

    As a viewer, I should be aware of whether the data is useful or has become obsolete at that point in time. So, it would be great to see the status of the refresh not just in the refresh history (which is again for member level access and not viewer level) but as part of the report(front end).

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    Paul Bailey profile image

    Paul Bailey on 2/27/2023 4:48:34 PM

    Power BI

    refresh history quick refresh button

    When looking at the refresh history of a dataset that is currently processing there should be a button in the pop-up screen that allows you to refresh the status from here. Currently, you have to exit and then click back into the history. This is quite annoying.

    Vote 70
    Benjamin Bisch profile image

    Benjamin Bisch on 9/7/2016 2:11:51 PM

    Power BI

    Refresh priorities

    When using the refresh function with Power Query, the system will automatically run the queries according to their dependency in the right order. However, it prove the task difficult when using Query Folding for example, and I have to manually refresh each Query that I folded first, before refreshing the main process chain. Would it be possible to set up a refresh priority in Power Query between queries? When Excel hit the "Refresh All" => Do all queries (and dependencies) with priority 1 Then 2 Then 3 etc... This would allow us to control how our workbook will refresh with the loading of data sources.

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