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    Tarek Salha profile image

    Tarek Salha on 6/15/2017 7:04:59 PM

    Power BI

    direct query string predicate conversion

    Assume a data model with one fact table containing sales data and one dim table containing customers. If in direct query mode a filter concerning customer name is applied to a report page, then the resulting query which is sent to the SQL Server Backend contains a string predicate with that name. If the execution plan could send the associated ID instead, the resulting execution plan could take many advantages, especially in combination with clustered columnstore indexes (e.g. aggregate pushdown). Is this possible?

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    Astrid Leusen profile image

    Astrid Leusen on 12/5/2017 8:30:35 PM

    Power BI

    enable to publish reports with PowerBI web

    As far as we know publishing reports is only possible with PowerBI desktop. We would like to te able to publish reports with PowerBI web.

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    Power BI User profile image

    Power BI User on 10/7/2016 2:08:33 PM

    Power BI

    Power Query functions in URL using a web data source under on-premise data gateway

    Add the ability to use Power Query functions in the source string not only for the PowerBI Desktop, but also to on-premise data gate Now It's not supported to type Power Query functions as web URL when we create a web data source under on-premise data gateway

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    Power BI User profile image

    Power BI User on 11/17/2016 2:21:35 AM


    Publish to the web embed code

    When I choose "Publish to the Web" to get an embed code, the same code is being generated for all my reports. I have tried deleting the codes in the settings under manage embed codes, but the result is the same.

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    anonym profile image

    anonym on 12/9/2019 6:13:30 PM

    Power BI

    Customer needs older url for publish to web working

    Customer needs the older publish to web URL to be working. However, the person who had published that report in the web he left the company and the url got disabled after 30 days. Customer having this url under production and it's hard to replace this url from the production. Could you please make the publish to web URL independent of the users who had published it?

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    Power BI Ideas Admin profile image

    Power BI Ideas Admin on 4/10/2019 11:41:56 PM

    Power BI

    Add query string parameters to SSRS paginated reports

    The new SSRS paginated reports are great, but we need the ability to pass filters through query string parameters.

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    jmarcrum1234 profile image

    jmarcrum1234 on 4/17/2020 9:41:49 PM

    Power BI

    publish to web does not currently support python visuals

    Power BI allows us to publish from Power BI Desktop to Power BI Service that support Python visuals instead of publishing to web from Power BI Service. The Python visual and the R script visual are not supported in publishing to web currently. It would be nice to be able to do this.

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    David E profile image

    David E on 2/17/2018 8:04:08 PM

    Power BI

    Limit data sources available to Publish to Web

    There are cases where Publish to Web could be used against the recommendation to only share public data. Either intentionally or unintentionally, users can share enterprise data via Publish to Web by ignoring the current warning message. The Admin Portal allows admins to disable Publish to Web completely or limit it to specific security groups. Going a step further, give admins the ability to allow/deny select specific data source connectors for their tenant rather than disable everything. For example, an admin set their tenant so that reports that utilize SQL Server, Analysis Services, SAP HANA, etc. would not be allowed to Publish to Web, while reports that simply use text files could.

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    Robin Ramu profile image

    Robin Ramu on 3/11/2022 8:39:06 AM

    Power BI

    Reset to Default Option Visibility after passing string parameter as filter in URL

    Step 1:

    I have created a report with excel data source(also with csv and SQL) and published to PowerBI service.

    Step 2:

    If I change any data/visual the reset to default option is showing.

    Step 3:

    I have passed the filter data in URL. Filter a report using query string parameters in the URL - Power BI | Microsoft Docs

    The Reset to default option is not visible, with or without changing data.

    Requesting to enable Reset to Default feature visible on passing string parameter as URL

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    Thomas Krekling profile image

    Thomas Krekling on 3/31/2016 8:17:31 PM

    Power BI

    Enable publish to web from group workspace

    Would like to be able to publish reports to web from group workspace and not private workspace only



    You can use publish to web in groups. Hope you've found this already and started using it.