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    Power BI User profile image

    Power BI User on 1/19/2022 11:16:41 AM

    Power BI

    Ability to add a deployment rule to determine which paginated report to connect to when using paginated report visual within a Power BI report

    When using deployment pipelines you can create a rule to change the datasource for a paginated report from the dataset in your DEV workspace to a dataset in your TEST or PROD workspace. However, if the paginated report is used as a visual within a Power BI report you can't change which paginated report this is looking at when deploying to other workspaces. This means you have to change where this is pointing within the pbix file and publish it to your TEST or PROD workspace - which means they come back as different when you compare the workspaces within a deployment pipeline.

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    Rob Solfest profile image

    Rob Solfest on 6/24/2021 1:40:17 PM

    Power BI

    Pipeline & paginated reports: inherit PBI dataset automatically as it progresses across environments

    BACKGROUND: Paginated reports are supported in pipelines today with the use of manually setting up a Deployment Setting/Rule to modify the paginated report's associated dataset ID. Whereas Power BI reports automatically inherit their new environment's associated dataset when they are deployed to the new environment (no configuration necessary). ENHANCEMENT REQUEST: Requesting that paginated reports automatically inherit their promoted environment's Power BI dataset ID, just as Power BI reports do without need of manually setting up the correct parameter at each stage for each report.



    Deployment pipelines now supports datasets for paginated reports,
    including auto-connect between the items in different stages.

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    Bamak Mrbi profile image

    Bamak Mrbi on 5/4/2021 4:12:22 PM

    Power BI

    premium pipeline & deployment rules for reports with live connection

    Hi Our big wish please For service pipelines, propose deployment rules for reports with live connections Similar to what happens with paginated reports (new - april 2021) According to change the dataset source name (WS + DS) of the report Stick to the environment Best regards Christophe



    We now support automatica binding of any 2 artifacts across the pipeline stages,
    both in the same pipline and across different pipelines.

    This should cover the scenario you are describing in an automated way, that will not require you to configure rules.
    Read more about it in this blog post- Deployment pipelines- Azure DevOps extension, multiple pipelines working together, Dataflows GA | Microsoft Power BI Blog | Microsoft Power BI

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    Zai Hassan profile image

    Zai Hassan on 3/22/2024 4:23:49 AM

    Power BI

    Security group ownership of paginated reports, rather than just user

    Fix the mess of deployment pipelines by allowing a security group to own items like paginated reports.

    Vote 4
    Pavan Malavathu profile image

    Pavan Malavathu on 6/23/2022 2:16:12 PM


    Need to restoratin of reports in Deployment Pipelines

    We see that Recovery of reports/datasets in the Deployment Pipelines is not possible at the moment.
    as many of the users are
    looking for this option,
    We request you to consider this option in the future releases of Power BI.

    Looking forward to implement this feature soon.



    Under Review
    Vote 3
    Olivia Brown profile image

    Olivia Brown on 12/12/2023 11:44:20 AM

    Power BI

    Restrict manual deployment when using deployment pipelines

    An issue we have come across when using deployment pipelines is that often businesses want to use them to restrict manual uncontrolled deployments or changes in production.

    However, since those with access to run the pipeline must have access to edit content in the workspace they are deploying to, there is nothing to stop them modifying the models or reports in the production environment, which would result in these being out of sync with other environments.

    The deployment pipelines are currently acting as an aid for deployment, rather than providing governance and control over it.

    Is there any possibility in the future to enable an option when setting up a deployment pipeline that prevents changes to higher environments through any methods other than through the correct deployment pipeline process?

    i.e. when a change is made, it has to be deployed to dev, and then can only be pushed to test and prod through the pipeline

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    Boris JUSTE profile image

    Boris JUSTE on 6/22/2020 2:50:52 PM


    Deployment pipeline - Deploy reports and dashboards for Contributor

    In the Deployment Pipeline, allow "Deploy reports and dashboards" for Contributor to have same deployment right from Power BI Desktop and Deployment Pipeline.

    Under Review
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    Zai Hassan profile image

    Zai Hassan on 3/22/2024 4:20:12 AM

    Power BI

    Deployment rules - update the datasource reference for multiple objects at once (or whole workspace)

    Please add functionality to update the deployment rules in deployment pipelines for multiple objects at once. Eg for paginated reports with the same data source reference, just create the same deployment rule for all of them.

    I just had to manually update 100 paginated reports. Wonderful experience.

    Vote 5
    Wilko van de Velde profile image

    Wilko van de Velde on 11/22/2023 12:20:30 PM


    Support data pipelines in deployment pipelines

    Support data pipelines in deployment pipelines. Now even new data pipelines without any tasks cannot be deployed using the deployment pipeline



    We are working these days on supporting Data pipelines 

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    Nico van Dijk profile image

    Nico van Dijk on 4/12/2024 9:52:19 AM

    Power BI

    filter options in deployment pipelines


    I have a lot of dataflow's, semantic models and reports in deployment pipelines development, test and production. It will help a lot if there are filteroptions available so it will help me with a easier selection.

    Can you tell me if this will be available soon?
