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    dashboard profile image

    dashboard on 9/17/2015 6:15:13 PM

    Power BI

    Should be able to accpet dashboard from Mobile or Tablet

    We we share a dashboard the Mobile or Tablet app should show an option to accept it to the user.

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    Joe Parkinson profile image

    Joe Parkinson on 2/9/2022 9:51:54 AM

    Power BI

    Page Navigator - Select Pages

    Would be great if we had the option to select which pages appear on the page navigator via the grouping of pages (the same way the bookmark navigator allows you to). This would mean it would be possible to utilise the page navigator rather than the bookmark navigator in more instances, as bookmarks are more fiddly

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    Mr Jo Coughlan profile image

    Mr Jo Coughlan on 10/6/2022 9:22:16 AM

    Power BI

    Edit Page Navigator

    Be able to edit page navigator to pages you want to navigate to and hide others. Make this unique to different pages. Currently hiding a page on the navigator hides this for all page navigators.

    Many thanks

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    Ian Grandey profile image

    Ian Grandey on 12/21/2022 6:00:36 PM

    Power BI

    Page Navigator - Format Painter

    Requesting the ability to utilize the "Format Painter" on Page Navigator buttons. When adding page navigators to report pages, it's very time consuming to go through each section to add the navigator buttons and then format each page's navigation buttons to match other pages.

    Vote 51
    Power BI Guy profile image

    Power BI Guy on 2/16/2022 4:45:23 PM

    Power BI

    Hide Drillthrough Pages on the Page Navigator

    There needs to be more flexibility in what in what can be shown and hidden in The Page Navigator.

    There are currently has two options.

    Show hidden pages - On/Off

    Show tooltip pages - On/Off

    Often reports are built with all pages hidden, other than the landing page.

    The problem lies with "Show hidden pages".

    When 'On', it will show all hidden pages, including Drillthrough pages, which usually aren't designed to be navigated to without utilising the Drillthrough functionality. If a report has all pages hidden, other than the landing page, switching this to 'Off' will render the Page Navigator useless, as it will only show the landing page.

    Some Possible solutions could be:

    Show hidden pages - On/Off

    Show all pages - On/Off (Off would allow the user to manually select which pages appear on the Pane)

    Give each page a 'Show in Navigator' checkbox

    Vote 5
    Michael Ungar profile image

    Michael Ungar on 7/18/2023 5:56:16 PM

    Power BI

    Customize the Page Navigator

    It would be amazing if we could have the ability to customize specific pages within the page navigator.

    For example, if we wanted to have a different text show up, or perhaps based on a measure.

    Or if we could swap in an icon instead of text, or change the background colors etc.

    Even though these changes would only affect the navigator that I have selected I could always copy and paste to keep the customizations while moving it to different pages within the report.

    Vote 11
    Louis Duhon profile image

    Louis Duhon on 12/9/2021 7:39:31 PM

    Power BI

    Allow Page Selection in the New Page Navigator Buttons

    The new Page Navigator button system is great, but it would be even better if it allowed the creator to select which pages to include in the navigator. Currently it shows all pages or all non-hidden pages. I would love to be able to use this feature to create a navigator that only includes the pages I select to be in it, without this we will still need to just create the individual buttons manually on every page.

    Vote 17
    Marnix Jansen profile image

    Marnix Jansen on 12/29/2021 8:13:55 PM

    Power BI

    Select / deselect individual pages on the Page Navigator.

    On the format navigator of the Page Navigator under the "Pages" menu, instead of only being able to deselect the hidden / tooltip pages it should also be possible to select / deselect individual pages. In order to show certain but not all hidden pages.

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    Guilherme Saviolo Carmelini Machado profile image

    Guilherme Saviolo Carmelini Machado on 12/21/2021 4:40:56 PM

    Power BI

    Tooltip for Pages Navigator

    The Ideia is to have the possibility in the general pannel for each page to describe its content. When displaying the Page Navigator you should be able to hover the text and see what are the page's content before clicking it.

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    Liana Clarke profile image

    Liana Clarke on 4/13/2022 11:35:21 AM

    Power BI

    Page Navigator - Fixed Button Sizing

    Hi All,

    I would like to suggest fixed button sizes on the page navigator. Currently the buttons are automatically sized according to the size of the page navigator pane. The auto sizing is creating a problem when you have the buttons in a vertical position and adding or deleting pages.

    Thanks for a great forum to share ideas.
