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    Andreas Jebsen Mikkelsen profile image

    Andreas Jebsen Mikkelsen on 1/5/2017 8:15:22 PM


    Calendar Custom Visual not working in dashboard

    The issue is with the calendar visualization When used in dashboards, it is not interactive, thus it is not possible to click on a date in the visual.

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    Tanay profile image

    Tanay on 9/27/2016 7:15:40 PM


    Percentage and decimal format is not working for Multi Row Card when connected to Analysis Service

    When using a Live Connection to SSAS Cube, I am not getting any formatting for calculated and base measures when using Multi Row Card. When we use this visual even when the format string is specified to remove decimals, the values are rendered with 2 decimal places. Similar thing is happening for Percent formatting and I'm getting a value of 0.xx instead of xx%.

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    Power BI User profile image

    Power BI User on 1/13/2017 1:32:50 PM


    Self Service Visual for embedded PowerBI

    It would be great to have a single visual in which the user can select the parameters they want to see in the visual. This could be as simple as a bar chart, but the user get to select relevant dimensions and measures, with a toggle to switch axis. This will help as users can interact with the data in different angles apart from what is already built for them in PowerBi Embedded.

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    rajkumar profile image

    rajkumar on 9/13/2016 7:22:13 PM


    drill down in custom table visual

    Can any one help me to do drill down in my custom visual table. I am following this documentation. some say we should add it in capabilitites. But i have a file capabilities.json. Please help me with this!

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    Petrus Scheepers profile image

    Petrus Scheepers on 5/31/2022 8:19:24 AM

    Power BI

    New Visual - Percentage Card

    I often get requests to show the difference between two measures as a % value.

    It would be nice to have a visual, similar to a card, where you can add 2 measures as fields which are then divided and returned in percentage format.

    The benefit would be that you won't have to make a new measure just to show percentage (for example between 2 filtered values).

    If there's a similar extant visual please let me know, I couldn't really find anything.

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    DH B profile image

    DH B on 11/8/2016 5:30:47 AM


    Custom Visual Bug

    When I try to open a custom visual that I've downloaded I get this message; "Unable to Open Document....pbiviz is corrupt or not a valid report". Used to work fine but not anymore. Have downloaded fresh copies but get the same message. First noticed yesterday, possibly first use since new version released.

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    Taylor Fisher profile image

    Taylor Fisher on 9/28/2023 6:39:27 PM

    Power BI

    Card Visual Customize width of each card/ field/ value

    The Multi row card and New Card visual is a huge pain for me. Particulary spacing wise.

    Basically every "Card/Field" in a single visual is given the exact same amount of space. This makes sense for some scenarios, but certainly not most.

    I want the same amount of SPACE/ PADDING between the different cards/fields. Not the same space for each Card/field.

    If I wanted to add 3 fields to the multicard visual, and I want them to show in a single row. The label for the 1st one needs 100 pixels of space, the 2nd needs 50 pixels of space, and the third needs 60 pixels of space. And lets say 10 px padding minimum between the edge of the visual and the different cards/fields. I currently would need a 340 px visual.

    and even then card/field 1 is going to look super smushed for space next to the 2nd card/field while there will be an incredible waste of space in between card/field/value 2 and 3 and card/field/value 3 and the edge of the visual.

    (since label 1 needs 100 px, each card must have 100 px or the label will be cut off with a "..."

    so 100px * 3 visuals = 300

    + 10 px space between each card = 10px * 2 = 20

    + the 10 px padding on the left and right of the visual itself. 10px *2 = 20

    300+ 20+20 = 340. )

    But the 2nd and 3rd field/card content only takes up 50 and 60 px. of space

    So visually there is 10 px. of white space between visual 1 and 2

    but 60 px. of white space between 2 and 3

    and 50 px. of space between 3 and the right edge of the visual.

    another way to put it, white space and content horizontally are viewed as below

    left edge, 10px, field 1 content, 10 px, field 2 content, 60px, field 3 content, 50px, right edge

    If there was an option for auto or custom width on the cards, then I would only need a 250 pix visual and there would be equal white space between each card/visual

    Field 1 would take up 100px as needed

    Field 2 would take up 50px as needed

    and Field 3 would take 60px as needed.

    So the content and white space would be as follows:

    left edge, 10px, field 1 content, 10 px, field 2 content, 10px, field 3 content, 10px, right edge

    To solve for this, I am currently creating separate visuals for EACH field if possible. Though sometimes it is not due to the functionality and filtering of the multirow card.

    This same issue occurs in the New card.

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    Kim profile image

    Kim on 11/15/2016 9:15:02 PM


    Downloaded custom visual not showing up after importing.

    Custom visual was downloaded and imported into latest version of PowerBI but never comes up on the list of visuals to select from.

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    Markus Kindler profile image

    Markus Kindler on 6/23/2023 9:27:05 AM

    Power BI

    Small Multiples for New Card Visual

    The new card visual is fantastic. However, I need to add each measure individually. A small multiples feature would be awesome like we had with the old multi row cards.

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    S. D. profile image

    S. D. on 6/21/2023 3:12:39 PM

    Power BI

    New card visual - rounded corner border on individual cards

    The new card visual is great!

    Would it be possible to allow for borders with rounded corners on each individual card / measure within the overall new card visual group?

    I realize that rounded corners are already possible on the overall new card visual, but that is not what I am talking about. This would be in addition to that functionality.

    Thank-you for your consideration.
