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    Vote 48
    P ng Chun Sein profile image

    P ng Chun Sein on 8/10/2022 7:38:06 AM

    Power BI

    Backup on Power BI Datamart

    It will be awesome if we are able to backup the data model in Power BI Datamart

    Vote 20
    Alex McPherson profile image

    Alex McPherson on 1/18/2023 2:17:08 PM

    Power BI

    Datamart Calculated Columns

    It would be great if you added calculated columns into datamart functionality.

    Under Review
    Vote 10
    Matt Diekmann profile image

    Matt Diekmann on 10/13/2022 6:56:59 PM

    Power BI

    Enable Importing of Datasets into Datamart

    Datamarts are great in theory, but unless I'm missing something, the only way to add Measures and Relationships is to do so manually with the web-based UI. I have models with dozens of dimensions/fact tables and in some case hundreds of Measures. The idea of having to re-create those measures and relationships manually is a huge deterrent for me to adopt Datamarts.

    Vote 15
    Greg Lowe profile image

    Greg Lowe on 3/20/2023 1:14:11 PM

    Power BI

    Datamart Refresh Data via API

    Datamarts can only be refreshed manually or via the time setting. Regular datasets can be refreshed via an API or PowerShell Commandlet.

    Datamarts need this functionality so we can automate the refresh process when we do not have a standard time refreshes can run.

    We don't need anything special, just equivalent functionality.

    Thank you



    We plan to deliver CRUD APIs

    Vote 3
    powerbi powerbi profile image

    powerbi powerbi on 2/17/2023 9:49:42 AM

    Power BI

    Share data in datamart to Power Bi Pro users

    I have a Power BI Premium Per User (PPU) licence and created a datasource in datamart. I also created a report based on that datasource in the datamart.

    Now I want to share e reports to the users inside different departments of our company. These users all have Power Bi Pro licences.

    Unfortunately the Prewiev version of datamart does not allow Power BI pro users to read the data from a datamart created by a user with PPU licence.

    So what we need is that users with Power Bi Pro licence at least can read the data of the datamart - to use the reports I created this is my idea / request.


    Vote 8
    Shuo Xu profile image

    Shuo Xu on 7/22/2022 4:52:11 PM

    Power BI

    Adding more security control option for Datamart

    As we know the data storage under datamart is Azure SQL, I think it's very important that we can control access(security) just like a regular Azure SQL DB, i.e., control access at datamart level(database), schema level, table level and even column level. I think this is very crucial if we really want to seriously leverage the datamart feature to be a real datamart.


    Vote 10
    Mike Carlo profile image

    Mike Carlo on 8/31/2022 8:22:26 PM

    Power BI

    Power BI Datamarts - Power App Integration

    Thinking about Power BI Datamarts it would be really helpful for integrations with Power Apps.

    Data can be loaded directly into the datamart, then connect to the datamart using Power Apps and build an application that allows users to add and modify records in the datamart.

    If this could be added without the need for a premium connect all the better. I think this really completes the story around insights to action.

    Vote 2
    MELISSA MCCORRISTON profile image

    MELISSA MCCORRISTON on 9/23/2022 12:38:37 AM

    Power BI

    Datamarts hide/unhide tables

    Within the Datamart you can't tell which tables you have hidden. It is also not clear how to unhide the tables. Would be great if the hidden icon was displayed next to hidden tables and there was a way to unhide tables.

    Vote 25
    Leslie Welch profile image

    Leslie Welch on 7/19/2022 3:26:18 PM

    Power BI

    Enable datamart preview in GCC

    The ability to create more flexible datasets through the use of datamarts would provide significant value to GCC clients, particularly with the current inability to apply RLS/OLS and relationships to dataflows.

    Vote 6
    MELISSA MCCORRISTON profile image

    MELISSA MCCORRISTON on 9/23/2022 12:25:13 AM

    Power BI

    Relationships in Datamarts should be editable & prevalidated

    After a relationship is created in a datamart there does not seem to be an option to edit it. Instead you have to delete it and create a new one if the wrong key was used.

    Ideally, you could edit relationships same as in Power BI desktop. If Datamarts could use the same interface as the Power BI desktop relationship editor that would be great. If validation could be done on the type of relationship (1-1, 1-many, many-many) as is done in Power BI desktop that would be great.



    We're planning to support this functionality soon.