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    Vote 29
    Maxime LUIS profile image

    Maxime LUIS on 2/2/2023 12:45:53 PM

    Power BI

    Export / Import Datamart

    Hello, i've an idea to improve Power BI Experience for developpers about datamarts.

    Indeed, actually we can't export / import a datamarts like dataflows with json file per example.

    It's interesting to industrialize the data model with an application for customers.

    Best regards, Maxime LUIS

    Vote 18
    BI Cetursa profile image

    BI Cetursa on 8/24/2023 6:11:30 AM

    Power BI

    Datamart refresh via power automated

    Datamart refresh via power automated Please add the possibility to update a datamart via power automate. This is already possible for Power BI datasets but not yet for datamarts Thanks,

    Vote 11
    Bjorn Braet profile image

    Bjorn Braet on 7/7/2022 5:48:02 PM

    Power BI

    Datamarts - Enable Calculation Groups

    I tried out Datamarts (preview feature) today and have to say I am amazed by the ease of use, flexibility and quickness in creating and handling millions of rows into a fully usable dataset just in the Service !

    This would be the ultimate replacement for shared datasets except... for one item which is used very frequently in more advanced models => Calculation Groups !

    Let's say you have created your ultimate Datamart with measures and relationships, ready to share with power users or colleagues within your organization ! You don't need any in between datasets anymore, no dataflows. Only your functioning Datamart and one source of truth to which your Front-End reports are connected ! Add RLS to that and you are good to go to create Front-End reports.

    Except... when you use Calculation Groups developing your model in Desktop.

    Because of this, you would have to import your Datamart data into a second PowerBI Desktop dataset which would then be ready to be deployed for your reports that require calculation groups.

    Not sure if calculation groups would ever become a standard thing in PowerBi, but this is the only reason we would not be able to fully roll out Data Marts with ease right now !

    Needs Votes
    Vote 4
    Didier Maignan profile image

    Didier Maignan on 8/15/2023 3:21:50 PM

    Power BI

    Datamart Source creation available for a team

    In most companies, a single Datamart Owner cannot be alone to be able to add all new Datasources : this is a team work, so co admin is not enough for a Data team : the existing Power BI Datamart experience so far does NOT allot to add a new Datasource. When you are administrator of the Workspace, you should be able to add a datasource to the Datamart.

    Vote 6
    Kipper Bush profile image

    Kipper Bush on 7/29/2022 7:47:04 PM

    Power BI

    Support Datamarts behind a VNET

    As a developer using the Microsoft platform, I would like to securely access our data sources located within an Azure VNET. Puzzlingly, they are supported for Datasets, and can refresh in the cloud but not Datamarts which are cloud native.

    Data sources behind a VNET or using private links can't currently be used with datamarts; to work around this limitation you can use an on-premises data gateway.

    Under Review
    Vote 21
    Alvaro Martin Martin profile image

    Alvaro Martin Martin on 11/8/2023 8:14:54 AM

    Power BI

    Many to many relationships in Datamart

    Many to many relationships in Datamart are not currently supported:

    {"batchRootActivityId":"c2b64502-94cc-4d19-a127-a942f8cbce46","exceptionDataMessage":"Many to many relationship 'd7ab1ba7-069b-cfe3-6990-87dba5245617' is invalid. Only one to many cardinality is supported."}

    We would need to be able to use N-N relationships in Datamarts in the same way we can do it in Power BI Desktop.

    Best regards.

    Vote 1
    Rina Dechavez profile image

    Rina Dechavez on 3/21/2024 2:51:30 PM

    Power BI

    Power bi datamart backup

    Ability to backup a datamart.

    Vote 45
    Mimoune Djouallah profile image

    Mimoune Djouallah on 5/29/2022 7:39:00 AM

    Power BI

    Dataflow, load to an existing Datamart

    Currently when you create a dataflow, it give you the option to either create a new dataflow or a new datamart, which is a great option for a new user as you get a full Online experience from Data Prep, Modelling to Final reports, and a good option to start a new standalone report

    but for existing users with a bit of experience, we prefer another Workflow, give us an option to load a dataflow to an existing Datamart, we want to use a Datamart as a central Database to store a lot of tables for a specific Business Topic, Currently the only way to do it is to create a separate dataflow and load data from there, the problem is, if you have a Datamart with 100 Tables, and only one table has changed, you need to reload all the 99 tables, that's not a very good usage of PowerBI resources Neither for customers nor Microsoft.

    When Loading Data from Dataflow to Datamart, we prefer those option in order of Priority.

    • Overwrite
    • Incremental refresh
    • append
    • Upsert using PK etc

    This is Microsoft opportunity to redefined ETL for mass market, and blur the line between Enterprise ETL and Self service Data preparation.

    Under Review
    Vote 4
    Ravi Kumar profile image

    Ravi Kumar on 5/31/2023 3:50:58 PM

    Power BI

    Recover deleted Datamart

    There should be an option to recover deleted Datamart.

    Vote 1
    Nanda G M profile image

    Nanda G M on 2/20/2024 3:07:20 PM

    Power BI

    Datamart creation in Italy region

    Should be able to create the Power BI DataMart's in Italy region.
