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    Daniel Bar profile image

    Daniel Bar on 6/17/2016 8:57:17 PM

    Power BI

    Adding to favorites

    UI is unclear or doesn't exist, in any case I couldn't find how to add a dashboard to my favorites

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    Power BI User profile image

    Power BI User on 4/27/2016 7:07:28 PM

    Power BI

    Add Akamai

    Add in Akamai WAF and other security portal feeds into the Power BI as a data source.

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    on 10/23/2023 7:32:07 AM

    Power BI

    add feature

    when i apply map chart, is it possible to add countries flag instate of names only. to show it more clear

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    Douwe Van Der Meer profile image

    Douwe Van Der Meer on 5/5/2022 10:17:44 AM

    Power BI

    Easier partial refresh

    I noticed you guys changed the behavior for "include on refresh", where when you enable a disabled query but with enable load, it will no longer try to refresh it with new data after applying the change but instead only evaluating it.

    It is different than what I got used to, but what would help me would be if select multiple queries in one go, that by right clicking them, you could change its setting for "include on refresh" to enable or disable. And perhaps, to make life even easier, have this option to enable/ disable by just right clicking a group folder.

    The reason is that the resources consumption upon refresh is the biggest and by this, you can get more out of Power BI with a smaller device. Also, any accounts, like Salesforce, where the limit is 10 Objects queries active at one time, would allow to load more than 10 by splitting it up.

    And my expectation, if you select multiple queries where it has been partially enabled and disabled, it would upon enabling enable them all, even when it is already enabled. Like how you can make text bold by pressing the "bold" icon.

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    Alex Blake profile image

    Alex Blake on 4/9/2022 1:58:12 AM

    Power BI

    Formatting options need padding for Legend + Series Labels

    As 2022-04-08, there is a cosmetic bug occuring with a line charts that displays the legend vertically and to the right together when Series Labels == ON as shown in this screenshot:

    ahum.. where is the screenshot button???

    I'll try to word it out...

    Series Label for one line == Segoe UI Bold 8

    Legend text font == default

    The last character of the series label is hidden by the Legend area. When series lable not set to bold you can make out the last character.

    It is an issue of padding. Would be great if MS could fix this so that there is always enough white space between the end of a series label and whatever legend text might be displayed on the right. Or instead, automatically reposition the series label towards the left and up of its respective line...but.... so perhaps better, this solution:

    reposition all series labels to empty spaces on the chart and have a thin line connecting the label to its respective series line. The labels won't be neatly stacked and organized on the right or left of the chart, but so what? When data line density is high on the vertical, at least the user will be able to see the series labels and to which data line they connect to.

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    Peter profile image

    Peter on 10/6/2015 4:14:52 PM

    Power BI

    Add page on selected page

    For usability, please add "add page" function to add a page on the selected page, not at the end.

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    Mark McAdam profile image

    Mark McAdam on 3/14/2018 6:13:53 AM

    Power BI

    power query m adding column

    When adding a column in Power Query M, the step name should be the name of the added column. instead of "Added Custom "

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    Jay Babcock profile image

    Jay Babcock on 12/21/2023 4:47:03 PM

    Power BI

    Bold font for X-Axis

    I use a stacked column chart to show the aggregate of data points. Some of those individual data points are negative, so I would like to highlight where the x-axis is, so viewers realize they are below 0.

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    Power BI User profile image

    Power BI User on 7/16/2016 3:23:31 AM

    Power BI

    add shapefile to Map visual

    Please add the ability to add a background shapefile to the Map Visual. For instance, in electric transmission usage, the ability to add transmission lines and facilities to the map when looking at electric demand in map view would be extremely helpful.

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    Dan Green profile image

    Dan Green on 10/9/2019 9:15:02 PM

    Power BI

    Formatting of Fields added to values

    Add the ability to format measures creating by adding a field to the values section. For exampled, if I add ID into values and have it sum, I cannot format the number and instead have to create an actual measure of COUNT(ID) to format it.

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