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    M V profile image

    M V on 5/27/2020 1:56:43 AM

    Power BI

    Update R version and package version

    The version of R available to run custom visuals in PowerBI is out of date, and many of the packages available to use (including ColorSpace) are out of date as well. The current R runtime is 3.4.4, which was released in March of 2018. R version 4.0 was just released, with many associated changes. Other packages, notably colorspace, are multiple versions behind and thus missing many functions and features available in the development environment. It is frustrating to upload a custom visual only to find that the version of R and various R packages are out of date, and thus the visual does not perform correctly. Please update R and the associated packages, or else provide a full directory of the version available in PowerBI to keep programmers developing custom visuals in sync with the current capabilities of PowerBI Service.

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    Power BI User profile image

    Power BI User on 12/8/2016 5:21:01 PM

    Power BI

    Version history

    It would be nice with version history of the “Power BI On Premise Data Gateway” on the download webpage (and not very hard to implement). Since the first thing to consider when having problems with “Direct Query” is to have the latest version of the program it’s difficult to know if you do have the latest version. It is also not very efficient to have to reinstall on the server every time you have a problem if you are unsure which version is the newest

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    Rajiv Varghese profile image

    Rajiv Varghese on 9/18/2017 2:43:57 PM

    Power BI

    Version log

    Can we have an option to enter version comments whenever we are publishing a PBIX file. It should log with an auto generated version number and an option to indicate whether the change is big enough to jump to next whole number.

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    Sravanth Chitrala profile image

    Sravanth Chitrala on 8/22/2022 5:26:06 AM

    Power BI

    Version history

    good to have a version history of all the published report to retain an check the old version of the report. Also, a notes box while publishing the reports to enter what exactly we changed in the report while publishing

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    Power BI User profile image

    Power BI User on 4/14/2020 6:39:30 PM

    Power BI

    OS Version

    Make a version to Apple system Macbook, because isn´t exists for OS system.

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    James Macdonald profile image

    James Macdonald on 5/17/2017 1:17:18 PM

    Power BI

    Chinese version of Bing map

    The English version of Bing maps has no granularity when it comes to China, though the Chinese version does. Is there any way to change the base layer map to the Chinese version of Bing maps?

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    Peng Li profile image

    Peng Li on 12/8/2020 12:49:56 AM

    Power BI

    Clear the version of PB Report

    Duo to the version of PB report is later months than PB Desktop, and its difficult to find which version the latest PB report is. May be a marked note for version is better.

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    Austin Peterson profile image

    Austin Peterson on 6/21/2023 4:08:17 PM

    Power BI

    Update R Version for Online Services

    As it was explained to me by Microsoft help ticket, PowerBI Online only supports R version 3.4.4. I have great visuals in R that work on my desktop (because the desktop version uses your machine's locally downloaded version of R) but they give me errors when I publish to my workspace. If the version of R supported by PowerBI's online services gets updated, it will solve a LOT of issues.

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    Power BI User profile image

    Power BI User on 5/24/2017 2:07:48 AM

    Power BI

    Version numbers

    we have enabled adoption content pack in our tenant. We have noticed outlook client does not show the version of the client

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    Jason Himmelstein profile image

    Jason Himmelstein on 1/10/2018 3:25:19 AM

    Power BI

    Display the Desktop version

    It would be very useful to see what version of the Desktop is being run shown on the splash screen and somewhere in the client, not just under the About tab. With the ability to run side-by-side versions of Power BI Desktop to support work with the Service & PBIRS it is important to know which version of Power BI Desktop you are working in.

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