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    Quazar Partington profile image

    Quazar Partington on 8/17/2023 2:36:36 PM

    Power BI

    Allow for trend lines with small multiples on line charts

    The moment you add a small multiple value to a line chart you lose the format option of trend line. I would prefer to be able to show the trend line by category (small multiple).

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    Jeffrey "Measure-Driven" Weir profile image

    Jeffrey "Measure-Driven" Weir on 1/20/2020 6:18:52 AM

    Power BI

    Improved filter/cross-filter functionality and formatting options for line charts

    Currently if you filter a line chart from the legend it de-emphasises the unfiltered series by adding transparency (good); brings the filtered series to the foreground (good); but adds data markers which can really detract from the visual or even worse, completely obscure the trends if there are lots of points (bad). I would like the option to choose formatting when line charts are filtered...including an option to set a default colour (likely light grey) for all unfiltered series, in order to really highlight the filtered one(s). I'd also like this to work with crossfiltering. Currently you can't cross-filter a line chart from another visual as per related idea at But this results in inconsistencies with other visuals, and means we may be forced to retain the legend in a line graph when we don't want to. (I often use a bar chart as a legend for other visuals that CAN be crossfiltered, as outlined here: Here's a twitter thread on this with images:

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    Roy Godfrey profile image

    Roy Godfrey on 1/28/2021 2:13:12 PM

    Power BI

    Small multiples - Pie and Line & Clustered Charts

    The new Preview Small Multiples option for the Bar and Line charts is fantastic. Expanding this to Pie charts and Line & Clustered Charts would make this even more useful to tell data stories when comparative views are needed

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    Sridivya P Kurupasery profile image

    Sridivya P Kurupasery on 7/28/2023 4:31:52 PM

    Power BI

    A chart created with small multiples when filtered it is limited to that small space than to show up to the whole chart area.

    Here I would like to suggest an idea on the small multiple section in Charts. I have created small mutiple with a layout of Rows: 2 and Columns: 3 therefore we will have 6 charts in 6 area (of small multiples). Thus to show the whole data the chart will display in small multiples and easy to read. However, when filtered to any selection in slicers, it then filters down and shows up only one chart on the top left corner leaving the other areas blank. This ideally gives a wrong impression as data is missing or something went wrong on the visuals.

    Suggestion: When selected filters/slicers The data has to be displayed as a normal chart occupying the whole chart area without leaving any blank spaces.

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    Power BI User profile image

    Power BI User on 12/7/2017 6:14:23 AM

    Power BI

    Line Charts should allow cross filtering to other elements on page

    currently if I have a bar chart and select a data element other charts on the page filter accordingly. This does not work with a line chart. It would be great if cross filter functionality worked the same on line charts as it does on bar charts

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    Dave Berrill profile image

    Dave Berrill on 1/31/2020 7:12:37 PM

    Power BI

    Small Multiple Line Chart with Auto-Adjusting Y-Axis

    Trying to show growth in similar groups of people but with vastly different sizes means that showing them on the same line chart tends to hide trends in groups with smaller numbers. There is a custom visual Small Multiple Line Chart which starts to address this by being able to split one chart into several by a specific factor, such as Country, but the Y-axis is static across all of the small multiples so the problem persists where, say, a country with a small population will have an almost flat meaningless trend line if it's in the same dataset as a large country with a high population because of the scale. I'd like to see a standard visual developed to allow small multiple line charts but where the Y-axis can be set to either be fixed (as in the custom visual) or auto-adjusting so that each small multiple might have a different range to allow trends in smaller populations to be seen more clearly.

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    Tarek Najdi profile image

    Tarek Najdi on 4/30/2021 7:38:22 PM

    Power BI

    Cross-highlighting for scatter/line/other charts

    Cross-highlighting is not available for many charts, especially scatter and line charts. Only cross-filtering is available to all. This is needed for data analysis and it's is obviously doable since some paid custom scatter visuals have them.

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    Roy Godfrey profile image

    Roy Godfrey on 1/28/2021 2:20:16 PM

    Power BI

    Small Multiples - Pie & Line and Clustered Chart

    The new preview 'Small Multiples' as a great addition. It would be very helpful when telling data stories that require comparative views to have this option added to Pie and Line and Clustered Charts

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    Anthony Flynn profile image

    Anthony Flynn on 6/28/2019 9:27:09 PM

    Power BI

    Apply cross filter through multiple pages

    Please apply the possibility of cross filtering over multiple pages. E.g. cross filter a year on a bar chart on page one and at the same time on page two the year is selcted on a matrix table. Basically it is the same function that already exists with the sync filter.

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    David Verbeek profile image

    David Verbeek on 6/9/2021 3:23:43 PM

    Power BI

    Small Multiples with Donut Charts

    It would be great to have the small multiples feature extended to include donut charts. I currently use several rows and columns of donut charts to track code of practice adherence across several work sites. With the sheer number of visuals on the page it becomes quite slow to refresh. Using small multiples would make it around 20x to 30x faster. I can provide picture examples if needed.

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