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    Andre Hansen profile image

    Andre Hansen on 8/16/2021 7:52:04 AM

    Power BI

    Adjust column width!

    Adjust column width!

    It is very tedious to adjust the column width in tables. You have to adjust the width individually for each column.
    My idea: Enter the column width for the row headings and for the column headings. Of course, it should still be possible to adjust individual columns manually by moving the width as before.

    Thanks Andre

    Vote 24
    Riemer Kuik profile image

    Riemer Kuik on 5/12/2022 10:48:58 AM

    Power BI

    Fit column width of table visual to visual width

    There is already the option to turn-off the auto-adjustment of column width.

    However, I'm missing the option to fit the width of the table to the width of the visual. This causes the visual to look bad and it takes a lot of time to adjust all table-visuals by hand.

    Is it possible to fit the column width of all columns such that the table's width is equal to the visual box's width?

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    Digital Powerbi profile image

    Digital Powerbi on 7/24/2020 7:17:40 AM

    Power BI

    Table: automatic column width

    CURRENT BEHAVIOUR: Column widths adjust to fit data and have to be resized manually = waste of time REQUESTED BEHAVIOR: Have option to automatically distribute columns evenly to fill table width USE CASE: We have 3 tables reporting different metrics on the same topic, and because column sizes don't match, it's visually hard to compare those metrics since column widths differ and thus metrics aren't aligned:

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    Volodymyr Shevchenko profile image

    Volodymyr Shevchenko on 9/15/2020 5:55:00 PM

    Power BI

    Width Option for Table Columns

    I am coming from a Spotfire environment, and I miss the ability to specify pixel width for columns in a chart/table (as opposed to dragging columns to set width, as in Power BI). Can you please add that feature? A look of a dashboard is very important for my employer. It is easier to make all tables look similar if you can specify column width via a number rather than a drag.

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    Jared Rivera profile image

    Jared Rivera on 5/30/2023 3:21:13 PM

    Power BI

    Set Column Width

    Please for the love of god allow us to force the width of columns,

    With dynamic data sets that change over time the columns (Specifically date columns) always resize, even with "Auto-Resize" width off.

    We need to be able to force columns into width we require. This is something has been requested for years.

    There's even videos with 10s of thousands of views that are years old of people trying to work around the missing feature.

    Are just a few examples.

    Vote 18
    Power BI User profile image

    Power BI User on 10/24/2017 12:28:45 PM

    Power BI

    the width of the text data column

    Even if you change the width of the text data column whose value is displayed on the ”see data" screen, that state is not retained. It takes time when the number of columns is large. I need a function to save the state after changing the column width. ---in Japanese--- 「データ確認」画面で値が表示されているテキストデータ列の幅を変更しても、その状態は保持されません。 列数が多いと時間がかかります。 列の幅を変更した後に状態を保存する機能が必要です

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    mohamed abdelaal profile image

    mohamed abdelaal on 1/26/2023 12:03:39 PM

    Power BI

    Width of column Statistics pane

    When Choos column distribution from "any column" group at "View" tab., I get two panes. The left one is called "Column Statistics". It will be very helpful if I could change the width of "Column Statistics" pane. Usually the number related to Max, or Average is too long, and I cannot see it. I need to be able to change the column Statistics pane width to see long number with many decimal places.

    Vote 39
    Marc profile image

    Marc on 12/22/2016 6:48:05 PM

    Power BI

    Resize Column Width of Matrixes

    The ability to resize matrix column width on the dashboard. The column width in my reports are all very small (with only 2 numbers in the header). But when the visual is pinned into a dashboard, the columns in the tile are much wider (probably fixed length) which makes it harder to analyze. Because of this issue, I have to resize my matrix pretty wide in order to read the data of the columns

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    Power BI User profile image

    Power BI User on 7/11/2019 5:10:15 AM

    Power BI

    Lock column width in the service

    Give developers the option to lock column widths when publishing to the service. When adding section groups or headings using text boxes or shapes above a table, if the user is able to resize column widths the alignment gets thrown off. Neither Lock Objects nor Lock aspect accomplish this.

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    Billy profile image

    Billy on 6/1/2018 10:32:01 PM

    Power BI

    Set Column Widths

    Allow user to set column widths en masse. Ideally for each variable. For instance, I have sales and market share for each of ten years. If I am not good with the auto set width, rather than having to manually modify the width for each year, I should be able to either enter a width for the field OR manually change one and have the other years follow suit. Either would be helpful, rather than visually setting the widths and hoping I have them equal.

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