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Microsoft Idea

Power BI

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Standalone Fields pane - separate Visualization pane and Fields section/pane (or modify)

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K Power BI User on 17 Nov 2020 15:09:24

I have many visuals in my Visualizations pane. It shrinks and pushes the Fields section to the bottom. Unless I have a large hi-res monitor, it is become very difficult to scroll through and easily update Fields.

Few ideas...
+ Separate standalone Fields pane - would allow full scrolling of the entire pane, solves all issues! And would allow the hiding of Visuals pane which, unless changing a visual, is not used much - bonus!

+ Allow vertical scrolling on the entire Visualization pane, not just the Fields section.

+ Allow re-sizing of the Fields section, but then we would need separate scrolling in the Visuals section

+ Allow collapsing sections... collapse/hide the visuals section, un-hide when needed

Thank you.