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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Allow user to see visual data parameters and visual properties at the same time

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Don Fletcher on 01 Aug 2022 21:07:06

It would be good if the panes for visual selection, visual data parameters, and visual formatting could be split into separate panes and docked by the user wherever the user wants, similar to how Visual Studio works. This would allow all of these panels to be visible at the same time which would greatly improve the editing experience, while still being possible to keep the default configuration for users with lower screen resolutions. So often I have been formatting a visual and then want to check the measures or drag a new data column onto the visual, but the settings are not currently visible at the same time. I find myself starting to drag a column only to realize that I cannot drop it anywhere and have to unclick, select a different pane tab and then redo the drag/drop.