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Power BI

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Line Charts with Log Natural Axes

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John McGarry on 14 Nov 2020 11:35:06

In PowerBI, numeric axes can be displayed as linear or log base 10. As I'm trying to emulate charts available in statistical packages like R, it would be nice to have a log natural option.
Also, the log axes are displayed in powers of 10 with number format, e.g. 10,100,1000 or 1,0.1,0.01,0.001.
This works well with log base 10 where the range is relative smally, but for larger ranges the axes labels can take up a lot of space. Have the option to display in scientific format, 1E1,1E2,1E3 or 1E0,1E-1,1E-2 would allows the labels to be more uniform. For natural log, this would be less meaningful, so displaying the labels as powers of the log base, i.e. 10 or e=2.78.... to get just 1,2,3 or 0,-1,-2 would be even better.