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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Dynamic page Layout/Configuration

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David Wilson on 26 Oct 2023 00:20:21

Today if I have a user on a 12" laptop and another user on a 30" wide screen I need to develop different pages to accommodate those users generating bloat in the number of pages in my report.

Taking an ideas from macOS/iOS development via XCode - where you can generate Constraints against the visual elements that then allow the visuals to adjust according to display size.....

Implement visual constraints against the individual visuals on a page that can alter a page's appearance depending the size of the browser window. Small screen or 50" wide monitor.

Imagine in its simplest form a page with a table or matrix... that when the user makes the browser window wider... the table also wide/tall ... depending on the defined constraints.

You should have slicers and other visuals that operate at fixed sizes only... or they might be "attached" to the right hand edge of the table/matrix and move with it as the browser window widens... yet a defined constraint would mean that it is always xxx pixels wide.

- David