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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


User Management Interface

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Josh Sauer on 27 Dec 2022 15:05:32

Managing users in PowerBI is far too tedious. I'm specifically referring to Viewers of a Premium backed series of Workspaces, but I'm sure this would be useful for most every admin. We have a dozen datasets with various use cases and another dozen workspaces to curate the experience for each team (Our team produces all datasets and reporting to be 'viewed' by our organization). We have hundreds of end users and no way of really managing everyone. When we have a new hire (or termination) I've got to go through each individual dataset, go to Manage Permission, uncheck all the boxes (please make that the default at least!), add them, and go back to then go to Security to add to RLS groups where applicable. This is dozens, if not hundreds of clicks for each user across multiple datasets. Of course our new hires and terms are not on a regular schedule so this gets to be quite tedious and annoying.

Why can we not add/remove a user to multiple datasets at one time?

Why can I not assign/remove users from multiple RLS security groups at one time?

Why can I not see usage across workspaces/reports/datasets? Why is that limited to the report and cannot be aggregated.

Why can you not show the dataset name while in the Security Menu!? As I go from dataset to dataset I often lose my place because of a simple missing label.

You're setting us up to fail. I understand our setup might not be the most efficient at the moment (working on it), but I cannot be alone if having to deal with this. It is a complete waste of my time. Time that would be better spent optimizing datasets or reporting. Far too often a permission or security group is missed and we get a note from the new user and it just isn't worth all the extra time to go back through every menu a second time to double check/review.

Please create a central location to manage Users in PowerBI. To assign/remove across all aspects of PowerBI. I just cannot fathom a technical hurdle so great that this isn't an option yet. I've been working with PowerBI for 8 years now and just keep expecting someone else to request this, but when I search I only see fragments or pieces of this.

I hope others will add comments with anything I've missed on this topic, I cannot be alone here.

Thank you for your consideration,