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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Create a Quick (or Express) Publish button

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David Whitney on 30 Nov 2022 15:01:44

Ideally the Quick Publish button would:

  1. Display the progress on the below steps
  2. Save the PBIX file
  3. Publish to the same workspace as last time
  4. Automatically replace the existing dataset
  5. Display the summary of the above steps so we could review them, such as where the report was published to.

If this is the first time publishing the report, during the current edit session it would be understandable if it needs to prompt for the target workspace... although there are other Ideas/requests to have the report remember which workspace it was last published to in between editing sessions.

Implementing this would avoid having to click so many messages every time we publish. Now we click Express Publish, wait for it to finish, review the status messages, and click "Got it".