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Issue with Sharepoint folder connection

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Francesca Bottazzoli on 19 Nov 2021 08:24:05

since Iast month, I'm experiencing an issue with getting files from SharePoint folder connection. The scenario is the following:
- I'm user A and upload a file into my OneDrive storage into a folder that is shared with user B
- User B has read only access to the folder and, from One Drive page, he can see all the files in the folder and open them
- From Power BI, connected with User A credentials (User A is the user who will publish in the Power BI Service workarea) , the SharePoint folder connector is used to browse the files in the shared folder. The connection to the SharePoint folder (which is User A's folder) is done using the credentials of User B*
- What happens is that not all the files in the shared folder are listed.

I would expect to see from Power BI all the files that I see with User B when I connect to the One Drive page from browser.