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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Power BI bookmarks should also impact which visual is selected

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Finn Antrobus on 10 May 2024 14:50:53

Power BI bookmarks can be used to toggle the visibility of different visuals, but they do not toggle whether or not a visual is selected / deselected.

I think bookmarks should also capture a user's current selection, or should reset the selection pane so that no visuals are selected.

The lack of such a feature creates confusion when trying to use the 'Filters of this visual' section of the filters pane. If you select a chart, apply some filters, and then use a bookmark to hide the visual and reveal others, the filters pane does not update or reset and your selection is still the (now invisible) original chart. As a result, a user must re-click on a newly revealed visual to apply filters to it but this isn't obvious.