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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Export Paginated Reports on Mobile App

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Henry Hahn on 13 Jan 2023 17:01:41

I run IT in an organization that primarily uses Paginated Reports. We are moving from SSRS because it seems that Power BI supports most of what we need from Paginated Reports, with new features constantly being added and a much nicer user interface.

One example of these features is the ability to run Paginated Reports from the mobile app, which we love. Unfortunately, while the interface for loading a report and defining parameters is excellent, the interface of actually viewing the report seems to be lacking.

Reports don't let you zoom out all the way, so it's difficult to get a wide/full view of the Paginated Report. This wouldn't be the end of the world if we could export the report and view it as a PDF, but there seems to be no way to do this either.

It would be great to be able to export Paginated Reports from the mobile app. At the very least, as a PDF, but even better would be full support for XLSX, PPTX, and CSV. Additionally great would be flexible options to save the file locally, to the cloud (OneDrive, etc), or email the file right from the app (from the user's local device email). Is there any reason why such a feature doesn't already exist? I was surprised that it didn't, since most file-oriented mobile apps have support these kinds of features for years.