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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Connect to a Datverse View.

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Henri Westra on 21 Feb 2022 12:03:19

I would like to be able to link to a Dataverse view with Power BI. This is because we can then already apply row level security in dataverse, for example, and so it does not have to be made in the power bi report.


We have built a power app that includes a number of power bi dashboards in the app. We made the database for the whole in Dataverse. In order for the dashoards to be real-time (this has to be because someone can make changes to the app), we use directquery. However, we are bringing in a lot of unnecessary data and the dataverse connector is too slow, so we use an azuresql connector with a sql statement.

For the Powerapp we have created views in dataverse for the different screens. this contains the correct columns for what is needed, but also, for example, only the rows that someone is allowed to see. The rows to which your name or team is linked.

I would like to apply the same views in Power BI. I think we'll get a better integration between powerapps, powerbi and dataverse.