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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


lock plot segment axis to another plot segment

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Flavio Castellani on 01 Jun 2022 17:50:47

When adding distinct measures from Power BI to Charticulator, every measure will need to be rendered into its own plot segment.

In many cases, we would need to visualize these measures into the same XY space.

The idea is to offer an option in the plot segment to lock X and/or Y min and max to a specific plot segment, or to a specific data.

Alternatively, Charticulator could offer the option to allow a plot segment to have multiple measures being displayed. Something like a [+ data] to expand the panel with the repetition of the necessary fields to add Y values and X values data points to draw, and all the properties as done for the first measure, on the XY plot segment space.

Thank you,
