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Power BI

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Analyze in Excel: Add option to disable inital window

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So Kon on 18 Jan 2021 13:31:12

When using Analyze in Excel for the first time, a windows is shown saying "First, you need some Excel updates" and you can choose "Download", "Cancel" or "I've already installed these updates". When you choose "I've already installed these updates", that information is saved in a cookie and the window won't show up the next time you start Analyze in Excel on that particular computer.

On shared environments like Citrix, the window will show up everytime when you are being assigned to another server. On big environments with lots of servers this is likely to be literally everytime you use Analyze in Excel.
Business users being confronted with that window usually assume that Analyze in Excel is not installed even when it is. They might try to install it themselves which might be prohibited. A lot of support is needed to explain and bring users back on track. However, most of the user simply stop their attempts to use Analyze in Excel and thus a very important part of Power BI ist left undiscovered for the majority of users.

Possible mitigation:
Add an option to suppress that window. As a central provider of an Analyze in Excel installation we need people to use the software without being confused by an unnecessary dialog window.