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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


published report with PERSONALIZE enabled - the window to select fields is too small

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Ruth Jaliff on 12 Apr 2024 13:55:05


When you enable the PERSONALIZE option for a visual, users are struggling to find the measures they need on the window that pops up when they click on the personalize icon.

The names we've given our measures/fields are quite long (for example : "Gas Produced Gross (e3m3/d)" and we have the same thing but with other units of measure, for example "Gas Produced Gross (boe/d)"), and they don't fit in that window. The users can search for "Gas Produced" on the search bar, but it will show them all the unit of measure measures, but they can't read the last part of the name and the only way to know which one to pick is by hovering over each one.

It would be easier/more convenient to be able to SEE the full name, by being able to expand the size of that little pop-up window.
