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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Develop publication history in service with comments about the publication and posibly a version control

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Matias Baudino on 16 Nov 2022 13:31:08

Whenever someone public a dashboard or a report to the service, it would be nice to add an option to make a comment about the publication, as it happens with the commits in a git control version. We can also have a history of publications with its comments and the person who commited the publication. It will be amazing if such publications were also accesible, as a version control, as I am already using by updating my pbi files in a sharepoint location, but it will be an extremely nice feature if this was available within Power BI service.

TL:DR: make a version control of publications or at least a list of past publications with account responsable and a comentary within the publication option for dashboards and reports.