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Power BI


Request to Add Customizable Tooltip Delay Feature in Power BI

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anish rajana on 14 Nov 2023 11:13:52

Dear Power BI Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to provide feedback on an aspect of Power BI that I believe could greatly enhance user experience – the customization of tooltip delay times.

As a data engineer working extensively with Power BI, I've noticed that tooltips in the Power BI interface, particularly those appearing when hovering over items like columns or measures in tables, have a fixed delay time. While these tooltips are incredibly helpful for providing additional context and information, the inability to adjust their delay can sometimes hinder the efficiency of data analysis, especially in fast-paced work environments.

Having the option to customize the delay time of these tooltips would allow users like myself to tailor the interface to our specific workflow needs. This flexibility can enhance the overall usability of Power BI, making it more adaptable to various working styles and scenarios.

I understand that Power BI is continuously evolving, and user feedback plays a significant role in its development. Therefore, I would like to formally request the consideration of adding a feature that allows users to adjust the tooltip delay time according to their preferences.

I appreciate the ongoing efforts your team puts into improving Power BI and am looking forward to seeing this potential enhancement in future updates. 

Thank you for considering my feedback.

Best regards,
