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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Interactions Mode Improvement

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Don Fletcher on 28 May 2023 21:15:38

The "Interactions" feature in Power BI desktop is ok for smaller dashboards but quickly becomes difficult to manage for larger, more complex dashboards that contain many visuals or overlapping visuals managed by bookmarks.

The suggestion is to add a sub-menu to the Selections pane that is active when in "Interactions" mode. This sub-menu would allow the user to choose the interactivity options. For example, it would work like this:

  1. User activates "Interactions" mode
  2. User selects a visual by clicking on the page or in the Selections pane
  3. User can now right-click a different visual on the Selections pane, which will open a context menu containing options for: "Cross-Filter", "Cross-Highlight" and "No Interaction". This special right-click context menu only appears when in "Interactions" mode.
  4. Alternatively, perhaps in Interactions mode, the Selections pane could show an icon next to each visual showing its interactions status. The user could see the above context menu if they click on this icon.

This would make interactions much easier to manage.