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Power BI


Allow configurable gap width between columns/bars in all of the Column/Bar Chart types

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Sean on 20 Oct 2016 13:01:46

Without control over spacing of columns and bars, data labels can overlap each other and aesthetically, the chart looks cramped.

Please add a configurable spacing parameter like the "gap width" in Excel charts to allow for better visual control.

Administrator on 08 Mar 2019 01:45:05

Under the x-axis card in the formatting pane, you have several settings that can help with this. Minimum category width lets you force the bars to be wider, enabling more readable data labels (but more scrolling). Maximum size lets you increase the percentage of the visual the axis labels will take up, which can make the visual more readable if the labels are long. And finally inner padding controls the gap between the bars in proportion to the bar size. Using a combination of these features to enable to you make the labels on your visuals readable.

Comments (65)
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Elliott on 05 Jul 2020 23:51:43

RE: Allow configurable gap width between columns/bars in all of the Column/Bar Chart types

Doesn't work!!!

Sean's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI Ideas Admin on 05 Jul 2020 23:49:31

RE: Allow configurable gap width between columns/bars in all of the Column/Bar Chart types

The current configurations are not enought to make this format option, we need to gap spacing between columns in same axis point, but with many measures as values.

Sean's profile image Profile Picture

Harry Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:48:00

RE: Allow configurable gap width between columns/bars in all of the Column/Bar Chart types

Would like to control width of bars/columns and the space between bars/columns.

Sean's profile image Profile Picture

Anonymous on 05 Jul 2020 23:47:55

RE: Allow configurable gap width between columns/bars in all of the Column/Bar Chart types

Would like to adjust width of the bars either. So much space lost and not very user-friendly now.

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Drew on 05 Jul 2020 23:47:46

RE: Allow configurable gap width between columns/bars in all of the Column/Bar Chart types

This is not completed. Why is this simple desire not being addressed?!?!?!

Sean's profile image Profile Picture

Felipe Vegini on 05 Jul 2020 23:45:08

RE: Allow configurable gap width between columns/bars in all of the Column/Bar Chart types

You can barely customize 5% of the total size of your bar chart... with several limitations in it and they say the issue don't exist anymore..

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Power BI Ideas Admin on 05 Jul 2020 23:42:51

RE: Allow configurable gap width between columns/bars in all of the Column/Bar Chart types

but if you have several measures on the report and no axis (the measure name is the axis) then there is no width between the bars.

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PC on 05 Jul 2020 23:39:59

RE: Allow configurable gap width between columns/bars in all of the Column/Bar Chart types

Agree with other comments. This is urgently needed!

Sean's profile image Profile Picture

Ian L on 05 Jul 2020 23:38:47

RE: Allow configurable gap width between columns/bars in all of the Column/Bar Chart types

Agree with the other comments here - this is such a basic thing that I am astounded it's not a native feature. Please resolve.

Sean's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI Ideas Admin on 05 Jul 2020 23:36:17

RE: Allow configurable gap width between columns/bars in all of the Column/Bar Chart types

Yes, this is complete garbage. I work for a marketing agency, and we have a certain 'standard' aesthetic expectation. We're on our pilot project for Power BI, and while the data side of things is great, we are completely aghast at the lack of design capability. It's one thing to keep things simple, and if users don't want to worry about design, good for them - but to completely ignore design for those that require it is unacceptable to us. Column charts waste so much space on the outside, yet the bars themselves are cramped. Legends aren't configurable (can't even change circles to boxes, let alone their size), charts leave no room for longer labels, and you can't group bars (such as two bars touching, with space between groups). If we can't figure something out, I've already been told to find another visualization platform. Disappointing, but a major failure of the Power BI team's priorities.