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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Different conditional formatting criteria for background color and font color, and allow conditional formatting setting on data bars

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John Yip on 21 Jun 2023 10:02:21

Currently for conditional formatting of data bar, we can only set the color when the value is positive or negative.

However, as a developer or even a user, this is not suffice. We all expect further formatting can be done based on different criteria, such as highlighting the bar of a specific products / highest value, etc. This is now not achievable.

Solved: Seeking for ways to build the targeted visualizati... - Microsoft Fabric Community

Besides, please allow developer to set different conditional formatting for background color,for value and total,AT THE SAME TIME. SAme for font color. Current options are "Values only", "Totals only" and "Values and Totals". The frequently used and expected possibility of setting toal and value conditional formatting differently is not provided.

Please add these functionality.