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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Shared dataset - granted permission on demand

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Evi Verschueren on 28 Feb 2023 17:35:22

We have the following situation:

Workspace A with a shared dataset. All access to this dataset is managed by and external tool and AD groups. This is all working as expected.

We noticed the following:

User A created a report on top of this dataset and publishes the report in Workspace B in which he has a contributor role.

User B want to have access to this report and requests access. Since User A created the report, he will get the notification to approve / reject this request.

When he approves this request, User B receives read (or even build) access to the dataset that resided in Workspace A, to which nobody has direct access.

This does not seem like behaviour I expect, because this way everybody can grant access to a dataset / workspace to which they do not have access.

In case a shared dataset is used, only people with access to the related workspace should be able to give dataset permission.