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Power BI

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Gantt - Ability to select displayed time interval (Zoom)

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Power BI User on 13 Apr 2021 12:21:28

All current Gantt visual always display the timeline from the Min(StartDate) to Max(EndDate) of the selected records, I would like the ability to "Zoom in" on a smaller time interval _without_ filtering the data.

For example, let's assume I have a task starting on January 1st 2021 and ending on December 31st 2021, I would like to be able to "Zoom in" on April 1st to April 30th while still seeing a "truncated" version of year long task. This is currently impossible.

See for more details:

I could see a few approach:
* Adding "Display Start Date" and "Display End Date" as input to the visual. These optional inputs could easily be used with measure to define the displayed range.
* Let us add a Measure in "Start Date". Currently only "End Date" accepts a measure, if it worked for both I could simulate the wanted behavior.
* Add some sort of drilldown feature.